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January 30. Fig

and honey.

other sizes: small medium original auto
carol j. phipps01-Feb-2007 02:01
Oh yeah! I'd love to have some of these.
Guest 01-Feb-2007 00:10
Hmmmmmm... love it
JW31-Jan-2007 06:16
Wow! Very tasty - great setup. V
Guest 31-Jan-2007 06:08
Guest 31-Jan-2007 05:12
Terrific colors and light! This one definitely looks ready to eat.
AL31-Jan-2007 00:58
Deliciously done! Love the dof, color and detail, especially the drops. Yummy!
Guest 31-Jan-2007 00:30
Honey, I shrunk the figs ! ;-)
lou_rozensteins30-Jan-2007 23:36
Looks delicious! Like the selective focus. Voted.
Yvonne30-Jan-2007 23:29
Wonderful shot Sheila, love all that juicy honey dribbling down the fruit - yum! vote
Marcia Colelli30-Jan-2007 23:14
great shot, looks yummy
J. Scott Coile30-Jan-2007 22:59
Yummy sweet fig fruit,
Neil Horner30-Jan-2007 21:43
looks good enough to eat !
Enrico Martinuzzi30-Jan-2007 21:23
Excellent macro. It looks delicious!
chrisse30-Jan-2007 21:11
Yummmm !
Love this macro Sheila, the way you composed the shot, and the DOF is great. gmv
Johnny JAG30-Jan-2007 21:02
Super shallow dof.
Carole Stevens30-Jan-2007 20:51
So refreshing its making me thirsty, great shot love the DOF on this!
Guest 30-Jan-2007 19:18
Well done! Yummmm!
Thierry Lucas30-Jan-2007 19:14
Nice image, Sheila.
Zak30-Jan-2007 18:59
The fresh-looking-ness
Deborah Lewis30-Jan-2007 17:49
Awesome macro!
Guest 30-Jan-2007 17:48
Great shot,Sheila.Thought you would have eaten it by now,it looks really ripe!
ratluk30-Jan-2007 17:38
mmmmmmm, it looks sooooo fresh!
Mindy McNaugher30-Jan-2007 16:39
Superb macro! Fabulous lighting and details!
ewa toll30-Jan-2007 16:37
beautiful shot
Fong Lam30-Jan-2007 16:14
Mmmmm.......looks delicious. Great macro, Sheila.
Guest 30-Jan-2007 16:11
Nice macro
Guest 30-Jan-2007 16:10
Mmmm they are gorgeous.
Bryan Murahashi30-Jan-2007 15:55
Sweet shot. V.
Brian McAllister30-Jan-2007 15:51
Tom Munson30-Jan-2007 15:37
WOW Sheila, that's some red fruit. Vote