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January 29. Fresh

Walked up the road to visit a friend.
She picked some fresh figs for me.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 04-Feb-2007 09:54
Great shot - sumptuos and revealing!
shatterbug30-Jan-2007 05:37
Great colors and textures! A really interesting abstract.
Guest 30-Jan-2007 04:45
Very original way of showing a fig. The shallow DOF makes it look mysterious.
Needs to rippen a bit more, isn't it?
AL30-Jan-2007 03:44
Great colors, fresh and delicious! Must be a wonderful treat under such hot weather :-)
flowsnow30-Jan-2007 02:04
Nice shot Sheila. I love the details. V
joanteno30-Jan-2007 01:24
Thierry Lucas29-Jan-2007 23:49
Beautiful composition and colors.
Enrico Martinuzzi29-Jan-2007 23:14
very sexy shot. Well done! GMV
Mindy McNaugher29-Jan-2007 22:50
Magnificent macro! Love the colors! Vote!
Guest 29-Jan-2007 21:51
Brilliant macro and love the colour combo
Chris29-Jan-2007 21:14
Oh, yum - I can smell the fruit and feel the heat from here - Oh sorry, I'm wrong - it's the log fire!! Chris
Carole Stevens29-Jan-2007 20:27
Great macro Sheila love the DOF and the colour combination!
Jackdad29-Jan-2007 19:48
I thought this was a FIGment of your imagination! ;-)
purpod29-Jan-2007 19:28
olivier bruning29-Jan-2007 18:43
mmmmm....juicy! lovely soft colours and composition, ~V~
Guest 29-Jan-2007 18:22
I just LOVE fresh figs.This is a very original shot of this fruit.Super macro work,Sheila.GMV
beverley harrison29-Jan-2007 17:44
ohhh yummy!!
Olaf Herrig29-Jan-2007 16:46
A very interesting macro work!
Greg Lavaty29-Jan-2007 16:12
Outstanding image Love the color and composition. Vote
Bryan Murahashi29-Jan-2007 15:53
Very nice and colorful shot. V
Marcia Colelli29-Jan-2007 14:47
wonderful composition. V
Guest 29-Jan-2007 14:43
Guest 29-Jan-2007 13:46
Very sensual.
Guest 29-Jan-2007 13:26
Another outstanding macro! Looks wonderful. Did they taste good too? :)
Guest 29-Jan-2007 13:24
Great macro!!
Herb 29-Jan-2007 13:22
Nice macro
Guest 29-Jan-2007 13:07
I love figs....great macro shot..V
laine8229-Jan-2007 13:01
Oh I adore figs & what a great shot !!
Nicki Thurgar29-Jan-2007 13:00
Fabulous macro, it looks delicious!
Gilles Navet29-Jan-2007 12:42
Like an abstraction, like a paly with textures and colors
Super V
Guest 29-Jan-2007 12:14
I need a desert too, so please,love it.
Zak29-Jan-2007 11:39
Guest 29-Jan-2007 11:11
ohhh....that would go nicely in my food gallery. :P
Yvonne29-Jan-2007 11:07
Yum! Great up close like this - bet they taste wonderful!
Guest 29-Jan-2007 10:57
gorgeous Sheila - simply gorgeous!
Victoria29-Jan-2007 10:45
Wow, this is stunning inside, but sweet, cool, wonderful fruit to good of voice & cure chogh...wonderfgul receive, cheers , Sheila :)