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January 31. Gloriosa superba

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Richard Calmes07-Feb-2007 15:32
Gloriosa Image! V
firstbrook05-Feb-2007 22:18
JW03-Feb-2007 20:48
Wow! It looks like a designer flower! Well taken. V
Joanne Kamo03-Feb-2007 02:01
Gorgeous! V
Shayne01-Feb-2007 05:50
Wow what a lovely splash of color to brighten my Winters Day
Guest 01-Feb-2007 04:54
Excellent isolation work - the flower looks to be floating in the air. Superb colors and shapes.
Bryan Ramsay01-Feb-2007 03:46
WOW!!! This is awesome! Vote. -BJ
Char01-Feb-2007 03:40
Sheila, this is perfect in every way! GMV4S
carol j. phipps01-Feb-2007 02:01
Gorgeous! Excellent DOF and isolation of flower. V
Tom Munson01-Feb-2007 00:33
WOW Sheila, outstanding image of this beautiful flower. Vote
Gayle P. Clement01-Feb-2007 00:27
Perfection, Sheila. Vote.
Guest 01-Feb-2007 00:09
Guest 31-Jan-2007 21:11
VOTED! Love this, Sheila!!
Thierry Lucas31-Jan-2007 21:01
Wonderful shot, Sheila.
olivier bruning31-Jan-2007 20:57
very beautiful Suzanne! ~V~
Guest 31-Jan-2007 20:47
So delicate. Beautiful close-up.
Chris31-Jan-2007 20:13
Breathtaking. Chris
Johnny JAG31-Jan-2007 19:34
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Olaf Herrig31-Jan-2007 16:09
Wow, what for a wonderful flower! Excellent macro work with great colors and detail. Vote!
Bryan Murahashi31-Jan-2007 15:48
Beautiful color and photo. GMV.
Wish this would blossom for me, but just years of wirely leaves;-(
Marcia Colelli31-Jan-2007 15:37
Beautiful colors and detail V
AL31-Jan-2007 15:32
Gorgeous! Such vivd colors, clarity and sharpness. Love it!
Guest 31-Jan-2007 14:24
Excellent photo!
Herb 31-Jan-2007 13:52
Guest 31-Jan-2007 11:29
Guest 31-Jan-2007 10:28
Beautiful composed and captured close up,
well done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
laine8231-Jan-2007 10:05
Always an eyeopender...stunning capture. ~vote
joanteno31-Jan-2007 09:40
Very nice.
Guest 31-Jan-2007 09:36
wonderful,love the contrast with the black.
Susan Leigh31-Jan-2007 09:35
A stunning image! wonderful colour, great the dark back it really makes the flower leap out!! Beautiful macro. vote
René Gysi31-Jan-2007 09:21
Very beautiful macro.
Yvonne31-Jan-2007 09:14
Really IS superba Sheila!!! vote