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Sheila | all galleries >> Photo a Day >> January 2007 > January 28. Hot reverse
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January 28. Hot reverse

So hot again today, 41.5°C. I just used the same flower as yesterday
as a model, shooting it from the back of the petals.

other sizes: small medium original auto
shatterbug30-Jan-2007 05:35
Also very beautiful...great angle!
AL30-Jan-2007 03:42
Lovely colors and pov. Hope things cool down soon.
laine8229-Jan-2007 13:00
Love this hint of lipstick....first thing that came to mind :>) Good to see it without the red x
Guest 29-Jan-2007 04:46
Very well composed. Elegant flower and shot.
Mindy McNaugher29-Jan-2007 03:05
Exquisite!! Vote!
Char29-Jan-2007 02:52
A beautiful shot Sheila. I like the fan effect of it. V
Guest 29-Jan-2007 02:27
So beautiful! I love the color!
Mike Moats29-Jan-2007 01:23
Very nice Sheila
Tom Munson28-Jan-2007 21:30
Beautiful. V
Johnny JAG28-Jan-2007 19:47
Beautiful from this side too, upside down tomorrow?
Marcia Colelli28-Jan-2007 19:10
Beautiful, love the abstract composi Vtion and perspective to this shot
chrisse28-Jan-2007 18:35
I'm amazed you have the courage to even go outside with such temperatures. You managed another one of your great macros though !
Guest 28-Jan-2007 16:53
joanteno28-Jan-2007 15:27
Beautiful picture. Vote. (way to hot for me, hope you have AC!!)
beverley harrison28-Jan-2007 14:03
those flowers are gorgeous, we don't have them here!!
Douglas Stucky28-Jan-2007 13:42
Beautiful shot!
Larry Ahern28-Jan-2007 12:46
Love the back view and the colors are wonderful
Yvonne28-Jan-2007 12:31
Beautiful shapes & curves & exquisite colours! vote
Guest 28-Jan-2007 11:58
Another great shot,Sheila, but have to be honest, yesterday's image takes some
Zak28-Jan-2007 11:57
Carole Stevens28-Jan-2007 11:51
Wow so hot and were in Winter woollies! Beautiful strong colours Sheila!
Guest 28-Jan-2007 11:46
just beautiful.
Jola Dziubinska28-Jan-2007 11:34
Exquisite image, Sheila. The temps are WOW!!
Guest 28-Jan-2007 10:36
luckily it wasn't burnt to the crisp! (pun intended).
Sue Robertson28-Jan-2007 10:08
Lovely shot.
dupuis francois noel28-Jan-2007 10:07