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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> DOWNTOWN Miami, Bayfront Park and Port of Miami Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1934 - President Roosevelt's motorcade on Biscayne Bouelvard in Miami
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12-APR-1934 Courtesy of Larry Martin

1934 - President Roosevelt's motorcade on Biscayne Bouelvard in Miami

Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, Florida

Thank you to Larry Martin for contributing this great image.

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kinseeker26-Apr-2010 06:15
This photo was take a year after the assination attempt on Roosevelt. Zangara was an anarchist who was definately aiming for Roosevelt, Cermack was an unintended casualty. There is a legend that the Chicago Mob had hired an assasin to shoot Cermack from the McAlister hotel on the corner of Flagler and Biscayne Blvd. But Zangara fired first. He was a tiny man and had to stand on a chair to see the President and get a shot, but Cermack was standing on the running board and was hit instead of the President. Zangara confessed that he killed kings and presidents and was aiming for Roosevelt.
Guest 07-Nov-2009 22:30
My parents told us about this frightening event. They were there. It was shocking!
Guest 04-Jun-2009 22:14
I believe you are right about Zangara having "got his man." I am not from that tme period, but if you read some history about this fateful event, you will learn that the mayor of Chicago had lots of enemies.
Guest 02-Oct-2007 22:46
My dear stepfather, pasquale Carpinelli, was solo clarinetist in The Caesar LaMonica orchestra that was playing the night Zangara tried to assinate Pres. Roosevelt. My mother was in the audience and in the row behind Zangara. What a choatic confusion, as she described it. My stepfather always thought that Zangara 'got his man', The Mayor of Chicago, and wasn't hoping to kill Pres. Roosevelt. Could it be?