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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> DOWNTOWN Miami, Bayfront Park and Port of Miami Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > Prior to 1931 - Florida East Coast Railway steam locomotive engine 124
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Prior FEB-1931 Florida State Archives

Prior to 1931 - Florida East Coast Railway steam locomotive engine 124

Hialeah, Florida

Unknown year except that it was prior to 1931. The builder was American Locomotive Works in Schenectady, New York in August 1913. Its construction number was 53913, it had 68" diameter driving wheels, had 22"x26" cylinders, it weighed 203,000 pounds, had adhesive weight of 129,000 pounds, tractive effort of 28,314 pounds and steam pressure of 180 psi. It was wrecked in a head on collision with engine number 116 at Hialeah as part of a show in February 1931. It was sold as scrap to W. Wallingford in September 1931.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Richard LeCain 07-Nov-2010 15:53
I remember it well, my Grand Father Ronald Morgan Mehaffey was the Station Master around 1945. Richard LeCain.
Dick Letaw 25-Jan-2010 18:28
Mike wrote about the old Florida East Coast Railway station near the courthouse. That's where I had a first-of-its-kind experience in 1940. It was an exceptionally cold day, one in which the dogs' water buckets were frozen over, ths causing the poor beasts immeasurable confusion. We heard on the radio that trains were coming into the station with loads of snow on the tops of the cars. Loads of Miami natives became sightseers and hauled themselves downtown to get a look. Sure enough! The first time I ever saw snow. It wasn't until 1945 in a far different place that I saw the stuff falling from the sky.
Mike 07-Dec-2008 21:13
My grandmother took me downtown to the old train station, near the court house, to see the last steam locomotive as it departed Miami for the last time. I think it was in the mid 50"s.
Guest 31-May-2007 16:07
As a boy of about 10 (about 1934) I was enthralled watching an engine like that start to pull a whole train going North leaving Miami. It would back up to give a little slack between each car and then give a giant "chug" and then those big steel wheels would very slowly start to move and then start to spin. I saw some kind of sand being dropped on the rails for more traction. Big scary clouds of steam would occasionally jet out from the sides. The fire making the steam made a heavy roaring sound. I posted elsewhere on this site that my Dad would take me to his a sign shop on 3rd Street a block or two East of the railroad station close to the court house.
Burl Grey