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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area CARS, Car Clubs, Car Rental Agencies, Car Dealers, Drag Racing, Auto Shows, Speedways - click on image to view > 1959 - Jerry Anolik's Moon Rocket - 1955 T-Bird with Cadillac engine
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1959 Courtesy of George W. Young

1959 - Jerry Anolik's Moon Rocket - 1955 T-Bird with Cadillac engine

Miami, Florida

George says this photo doesn't do it justice. The car was driven to Miami from San Francisco by Jerry Anolik who drove it around town especially in South Dade. George says people would almost have wrecks when they saw it because people couldn't believe what they were seeing. He also says the pearl paint and interior were gorgeous and the engine compartment was all chrome. He believes when he saw it there a larger blower on it because the air stacks sat much higher. It had a hood with a cutout for the stacks but Jerry drove it with the hood off most of the time. The Moon Rocket was displayed at the 2nd Annual International Autorama at Dinner Key Auditorium in September 1960. Finally, think about 1960 - $10,000 was a chunk of change and you could buy a home for that amount.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Ms. Virginia 05-Aug-2016 23:32
I have located Jerry Anolik.
He gave me the OK to give out his information.

His phone number is 916-761-3581
Email address is

Give him a call, he loves reminiscing.

He is also getting older and thinking about parting with some classic memorabilia.
George Young 29-Jun-2010 13:51
Update: Charles Naylor has been found thanks to Don's fantastic site. I talked to him yesterday and he lives in Florida, not N. Carolina as thought. Sure is nice to get to talk to someone you knew 50 years ago. Wonder who else is going to pop up?
George Young 28-Dec-2009 22:07
Update: I found Jerry Anolik. A friend of his Googled his name and ran across this site. Jerry contacted Don Boyd and got my phone number and called me one evening. I hadn't seen or talked to him in 50 years. Jerry runs a body shop in Sacremento, Ca. He still has the Moon Rocket in his garage. Unbeliveable.
George Young 23-Dec-2008 00:15
I have not seen or heard from Jerry Anolik in 50 years because he left Miami after the Autorama to go back to California and I went into the Army, got married, & returned to Miami in '64. Well because of Don's wonderful site, Jerry found me and called me last Thursday nite, It's very hard to believe someone is calling you from Ca. you hadn't had any contact with in almost 50 years. With out Don's site, I surely would have never heard from Jerry ever again. Thank's again Don
PS: Jerry still has the Moon Rocket---It's in his garage!
Don Boyd11-Dec-2008 00:56
Chuck, I responded to your e-mail with my phone number and I also copied George Young who responded to you with his phone number.

George Young 22-Jun-2007 02:19
Does anyone know where Charles "Pinky" Naylor is? The last time I saw him was in the 70's or early 80's. He was the service manager at Williamson Cadillac in Dadeland. I think, but not sure, he moved to N. Carolina.