1959 - Bill of Sale for George W. Young's 1957 Corvette Fuelie
Miami, Florida
Insurance costs were $100 for a year for a Corvette with George W. Young, a 20-year old driver with several speeding tickets on his record. Ha! Anyone care to estimate what it would cost today for a two-year old Corvette with the same type of driver in Dade County?
Heck, I am 50 years old and I pay 1200 bucks a year on my 86 Vette, and that is only for Liability, haven't had a ticket since 79. I can't imagine what it would cost for one of the new ones, including collision! At 40 grand for a new vette, the insurance must be obscene.
Good point Dave, those finance charges seem pretty excessive but George was probably a juvenile delinquent with no credit background? Haha. Today he'd pay 36% or more in the same situation so that 22.25% up front might be a bargain after all. Don
04-Jun-2007 11:30
Don: Not so fast! Look at the finance charges. 22.25% up front! Yikes! Admittedly, you'd have a $150,000 car today but seems the Coral Gables First Nationaal Bank knew how to make money in those days!
Don ... just think how nice it'd be to have your hands on that Corvette today ... that'd be one great $2K investment. I bought a '64 Corvette Fastback for $4K new while I was living in Augusta, GA, and still kick myself for not putting it up on blocks somewhere.