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Sheila | all galleries >> Galleries >> When I can > Dew in a lilium
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Dew in a lilium

For the January macro challenge

other sizes: small medium original auto
Greg Harp16-Jan-2008 05:27
Amazing shot.
jlm15-Jan-2008 19:39
Fantastic !
Barbara Heide15-Jan-2008 09:55
excellent! v
Sam Stevenson15-Jan-2008 01:09
This really has a "miniature world" feeling - well done.
gary becker14-Jan-2008 21:54
Incredible ! !
Chris14-Jan-2008 20:52
Sorry - should read 'jewellery'!!
Chris14-Jan-2008 20:51
Nature's jewelry. Beautiful. Chris
Al Chesworth14-Jan-2008 20:48
Excellent again, this is so close I wouldn't recognise the flower.
Ann...14-Jan-2008 20:24
Wonderful detail and colours.
Zak14-Jan-2008 19:38
Great shot!
Carole Stevens14-Jan-2008 19:21
Gorgeous detail, it almost looks like fabric, lovely colours too!
Guest 14-Jan-2008 19:06
this is close and sharp, excellent macro and a lovely colourful composition. The drops are beautiful
Bryan Murahashi14-Jan-2008 16:12
Beautiful detail and colors in this macro photo. GMV
Peter Stahl14-Jan-2008 15:36
Gorgeous!! GMV.
Guest 14-Jan-2008 13:56
Great detail, the catchlight in the dew drops and the petal amost looks like fabric...
Guest 14-Jan-2008 13:20
Very, very beautiful! A BIG vote from me!!!
Maaike Huizer14-Jan-2008 13:18
Very very delicate. Gorgeous. V
joanteno14-Jan-2008 12:22
Heidi Jonker14-Jan-2008 12:19
Wonderful detail, well done!
Guest 14-Jan-2008 12:18
Beautiful detail V
Yvonne14-Jan-2008 12:16
Exquisite beads & superb detail Sheila! v
Guest 14-Jan-2008 12:05
So softley!
I agree with antidote3 .
Phillip Normanton14-Jan-2008 12:05
Amazing detail - great shadows too :))
Guest 14-Jan-2008 10:52
so delicate yet so tactile.