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For the January macro month

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Greg Harp16-Jan-2008 05:27
Beautifully captured.
Maaike Huizer14-Jan-2008 17:42
Lovely. I like the droplet.
Guest 14-Jan-2008 05:57
What an elegant macro! The colors are fantastic.
Barbara Heide14-Jan-2008 05:09
brilliant! v
monil14-Jan-2008 01:02
Magnificent. V
Guest 14-Jan-2008 00:24
Love the colour, the droplet is a bonus..
Stewart Mitchell13-Jan-2008 21:49
Fabulous tones and the background just makes it!!
Peter Stahl13-Jan-2008 20:13
Another beauty!! GMV.
Chris13-Jan-2008 20:04
Fantastic detail. Chris
Guest 13-Jan-2008 20:00
excellent detail and wonderful colour. The droplet is a nice eye catcher
Bryan Murahashi13-Jan-2008 19:33
Beautiful photo. V
laine8213-Jan-2008 15:48
here's the T ~ I left out :>)
laine8213-Jan-2008 15:47
The ligh has provided a butterscotch tone...delicious ~vote
Jackdad13-Jan-2008 15:47
didn't spot the droplet straightaway! nice one.
Herb 13-Jan-2008 14:39
Well done
Al Chesworth13-Jan-2008 14:03
Magnificent shot, cought that drop of liquid too.
Phillip Normanton13-Jan-2008 13:53
Oh, now I know this one - they go to sleep every night and open up with the sun? Great little droplet!!!
Johnny JAG13-Jan-2008 13:30
Guest 13-Jan-2008 13:24
Gorgeous colors and DOF! Well done.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography13-Jan-2008 13:16
Stunning close-up, Vote.
Carole Stevens13-Jan-2008 12:20
Wow stunning detail Sheila, that droplet is beautiful!
joanteno13-Jan-2008 11:46
Spectacular detail - might consider a tighter crop around the water droplet..
Ann...13-Jan-2008 11:45
Wonderful detail!!
Zak13-Jan-2008 11:37
Great macro!
Susan Leigh13-Jan-2008 11:26
Another fantastic macro Sheila, love the comp and focal point, well captured!
Guest 13-Jan-2008 10:55
nice that dew drop
Yvonne13-Jan-2008 10:11
Superb! Great colour and detail! vote
David Clunas13-Jan-2008 10:00
nice angle. love the colour
Guest 13-Jan-2008 09:29
Ohh Sheila, so beautiful!
Máire Uí Mhaicín13-Jan-2008 09:22
Just the colour we need today to dispel the grey wet rain....