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Christmas, Australia, summer, arson

This fire has been raging in a nearby nature reserve since it was lit by a moron
at 2am this morning, over 15 hours so far. There were 4 water helicopters fighting it
when I arrived. It was still blazing when I left.

Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
1/4000s f/5.6 at 70.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Susan Leigh13-Jan-2008 06:47
Fab journalism!!!
Very scary situations..but morons still persist every year!!!
gary becker24-Dec-2007 22:50
Odd, isn't it, that such dramatic & noteworthy captures are the result of idiocy.

Glad you caught it.
Guest 24-Dec-2007 00:41
no deterrent !
Hope it doesn't rage too long... I might ! :-))
Yvonne23-Dec-2007 01:39
I guessed from the thumb what it was. An arsonist has just been caught here
she'd lit 47 fires using mosquito coils! Our big summer worry...
BAS Photography22-Dec-2007 22:13
Indeed a moron.....
Herb 22-Dec-2007 22:08
Looks scaringly familier
Bryan Murahashi22-Dec-2007 20:14
Sad shot. We had the same happen with party-goers losing control of their fire and burning
many homes in Malibu during the Thanksgiving holidays.
JW22-Dec-2007 19:39
What bad news. Hope all is under control. Superbly dramatic picture.
Ian York22-Dec-2007 18:32
The thumb made me think Apocalypse Now
I hope it is all put out ASAP
Johnny JAG22-Dec-2007 17:32
I hope they control it soon.
Dave Wixx22-Dec-2007 16:43
I would say a great shot, but under the terrible circumstances it was taken I'm sure it's a shot you'd prefer not to have had the opportunity to take. Hope it all gets taken care of and the morons found and dealt with harshly.
Guest 22-Dec-2007 16:27
Hope all is contained soon!

This one was started by lightning - - I didn't get quite as close to the helicopter or the fire!
Máire Uí Mhaicín22-Dec-2007 14:59
How awful! What is it with some people and fires? May people come safely through this one.
monil22-Dec-2007 14:23
A dramatic picture .
Excellent. v
laine8222-Dec-2007 11:54
Enough to make the heart stop thinking about bushfires...moron is a good word, it applies well. I hope the firefighters are safe & that all is under control soon....!!
Zak22-Dec-2007 11:19
if i could i would send you our rain!
joanteno22-Dec-2007 11:02
What a waste.. Hope it is out soon
Guest 22-Dec-2007 10:45
that is a pity. yes definitely a moron..whoever did that.
we are having the opposite over here....wet as anything but i am not complaining...we certainly need the rain.
i do like the image...a bit disconcerting with the chopper blades not moving. :)