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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM

Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 01-Sep-2001
Lens Mount: EF
Random Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM Samples from 107105 available Photos more
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Charla Mason15-Oct-2010 01:49
I picked this lens over the VII ; mostly because it is a perfect match to the 24-70L f2.8 and it is parafocal. Saving 600. too.
Jerry Novak06-Jan-2010 20:56
Canon releases EF 70-200mm F2.8 L IS II USM lens
Guest 24-Dec-2009 16:55
First on your second thought it's merely expensive lens. As you use it, you'll get the hang of it. You'll never regret you invested that amount of money for this lens. This will be your well used lens and favorite.

- joel dayao
Guest 24-Dec-2009 16:54
First on your second thought it's merely expensive lens. As you use it, you'll get the hang of it. You'll never regret you invested that amount of money for this lens. This will be your well used lens and favorite.

- joel dayao
Mike Liquorish Captured Frame21-Jul-2009 03:22
It`s big and heavy ,white and it stands out in a crowd as well as being expensive. But the quality is magnificent worth every dollar it cost- very sharp, AF is superb . I find that even with it`s weight it is still ok to carry around for long periods. Ideal for landscapes, fantastic for portraits has a lovely bokeh, sharp as a tack at f2,8 and gets even better as you stop it down. Highly recommend this lens ,just wish I had bought earlier and not hesitated because of it`s price,I use it with a 5D and it makes a stunning combination.
Joseph Lei01-Jul-2009 02:13
This lens is also great at many subjects other than sports and fashion as well!
Guest 10-May-2009 05:41
Just ordered mine! Can't wait for it to arrive!
Guest 05-May-2009 12:32
Who said this lens is soft compare to the f/4 model??? It's razor sharp on my 50D.
singapore_photographer17-Mar-2009 08:42
need more be said? this lens is a classic
Guest 11-Sep-2008 08:19
Perfect piece of glas. Contrast, resolution, colours and autofocus are top notch! Yes, it's heavy, big, expensive and conspicuous - but well worth all of it. I used it with Canon's 1.4 TC in Kruger NP and for my eyes there is no performance penalty with this combination:
Guest 11-Sep-2008 08:18
Perfect piece of glas. Contrast, resolution, colours and autofocus are top notch! Yes, it's heavy, big, expensive and conspicuous - but well worth all of it. I used it with Canon's 1.4 TC in Kruger NP and for my eyes there is no performance penalty with this combination.
Guest 27-Aug-2008 12:31
I do wedding work mainly with this lense. It has saved my ass many times in low light conditions like inside churchs. Portrait shoots are a dream come true with it, indoors or out, the bokeh is superb. I have heard this lense refered to as the 'money maker', I can vouch for it.....the images from this lense when used correctly are outstanding.
No regrets whatsoever.
Guest 25-Dec-2007 19:52
Recent shots from Canon 135mm F2.0; Canon 70-200mm F2.8; and Canon 17-55mm F2.8 at my site:
Guest 15-Apr-2007 10:32
Nice lens balances well on 1 series, sharp wide open to 180mm, not brilliant at 200mm wide open, stopped down and its fine. After using 135L I'm a bit critical.. for a zoom it's great. The extra stop over the F4 and the IS mean that my chances of freezing movement are greater but not by much. For candids in a church this lens is going to have it's work cut out. The flexibility of the range make it a must buy lens for lifestyle portraits and photojournalistic weddings. No regrets in buying it.
Guest 31-Mar-2007 17:51
Amazing, dropped the amount of "throw away" shots to nearly zero. I have never used a lens this fast and clear.

Only one problem (and I think other folks have experienced it also) is the condition known as "70-200 IS Elbow."
Ali Majdfar03-Jan-2007 06:34
When I bought this lens, I was wondering whether I've done right to spend such a amount of money or not. After a short while, I recognized I've paid nothing compared to quality and enjoyable moments that the lens brings to me. I love this lens which along side with my 17-85 covers my working range.
georg herder06-Dec-2006 11:41
It's one of my best buy's - to my surprise last time in venice (where I had 4 different lenses with me) it was the most used lens...
I like the sharpness cobined with the low light performance!
Ron Wright07-Nov-2006 09:37
It's big, it's heavy, it's expensive, and it's (literally) a pain in the neck to lug around. That's the bad news. The good news is you get excellent image quality with this lens. Everything good you have heard or read about this lens is true. I bought it a few days ago and am very happy with it. I would recommend a monopod because after a couple of hours carrying this bazooka around and shooting my arm got tired. If you've ever considered this lens and have the $$ to spare, just buy it. You won't regret it.
Guest 09-Oct-2006 23:04
Is this the best zoom lens in the world? I don't know, but I think it might be.

This lens is the "Daddy" of my collection. I always wanted it but could never afford it and never went to buy it. Then I made the mistake of looking through it on my 350D and it blew me away. I knew I had to have it. And once I did it was one of the reasons I thought I needed to buy a body fit for it, the 5D. So a very expensive purchase indeed, but a wonderful piece of glass.

As someone who likes fast lenses, I love this as it is a high quality telephoto zoom that is f2.8 all the way through and provides almost perfect results, and colour, at any setting. If you are not sure whether to make the plunge and buy this, just do it and save the money on those cheaper lenses that can never match this. A word of warning though: it is heavy. Not too much, but I find my back arches if I carry it around on my camera for more than 2 hours.

For a gallery of photos taken with this lens on my 350D and 5D see
Guest 24-Aug-2006 14:03
This is the best lens you can get in this zoom range for the Canon EOS. It's not the cheapest and it's not the lightest, but it's the best. This lens is fast, it has excellent optics, the build quality is very solid and the image stabilization (IS) feature works wonders for hand held shooting. If you shoot hand held in marginal light, this is the lens for you. If you always use a tripod, you don't really need IS -- take a look at the less expensive non-IS version of this lens. If you always shoot in good light, the lighter and even less expensive 70-200mm f4.0 may do the job for you. But for me, the extra stop of light and the IS make the difference between unusable images and great images. This is an awesome lens.

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Guest 04-Jul-2006 01:39
Took that lens at the Montreal F1 did a lot of shooting and the AF was great with my 5D from the 70mm to the 200mm range, not to David I would not use that lens when I do wedding the lens is 1/3Meter long and can only do the focus from 1.28Meter
Guest 28-Jun-2006 12:49
Superb lens, autofocus is instantaneous in speed and accuracy.

I use it for motorsports among other things and it is superb.

Highly recommended
Guest 16-Jun-2006 05:54
lens is great, altho heavy, and costly. The IS works great also. The one thing it doesn't do well is sports. You can't find very many sports photos here because this lens doesn't focus fast enough to get a high percentage of 'keepers' and 200mm isn't long enough for nearly any sport. Overall quality is excellent, the best I've used for photojournalism, wedding and portrait work!
B Thomas Johnston16-May-2006 08:16
very nice sharp lens

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