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Sheila | all galleries >> Galleries >> When I can > Hover
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This guy was ferrying firemen over to the reserve where the bushfire was blazing

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Guest 08-Dec-2007 00:07
It's a lot less bovver wiv a hover..
Great spray & light..
Nicki Thurgar07-Dec-2007 12:31
Great capture of the spray, hope the fires are burnt out now!
Susan Leigh07-Dec-2007 09:42
wow, the spray is incredible..great capture!!
shatterbug07-Dec-2007 07:54
Nicely done...that spray with the backlighting is captivating!
monil07-Dec-2007 03:36
Wonderfull light and composition.
laine8206-Dec-2007 21:47
Good shot...but why were you there ? Your supposed to leave a fire area !! :>)
Jackdad06-Dec-2007 20:52
lots of spray!
Chris06-Dec-2007 19:45
Two excellent shots. Chris
Guest 06-Dec-2007 19:20
Wonderful light and contrast! Congratulations on this one Sheila! ~V~
Milos Markovic06-Dec-2007 19:01
beverley harrison06-Dec-2007 17:50
i'd love to have a go at one...but under better circumstances!
Bryan Murahashi06-Dec-2007 15:51
Looks like fun.
Zak06-Dec-2007 14:14
I could do with one of them! ;-)
Guest 06-Dec-2007 12:03
doesn't seemed to be moving fast anywhere quick?! :)