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Sheila | all galleries >> Challenges >> Thursday Informal Challenge > Bushfire under control
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Bushfire under control

at last, after burning all afternoon.
For the Thursday challenge, Control.
Others controlling things here

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dave Hein09-Dec-2007 17:46
very well done.
Malcolm Smith09-Dec-2007 17:46
Great portrait, respect to those doing jobs like that.
Barry S Moore08-Dec-2007 01:16
Superb portrait capturing the tension nicely.
Guest 07-Dec-2007 23:54
Great shot ! love the 'smouldering' & the light shining through on his jacket..
Hope the fires don't come back..
Will Denney07-Dec-2007 12:30
looks like he's had to be in control quite a bit! nicely done!
Francisco Figueras07-Dec-2007 10:49
he he he! great entry!! !
Susan Leigh07-Dec-2007 09:41
Fantastic image...well done!
Norbert Fortelny07-Dec-2007 09:18
You caught that well!
carol j. phipps07-Dec-2007 06:34
Thankful with you! Excellent portrait.
Guest 07-Dec-2007 05:24
Not only you got the man right, but the background also gives the context. Well done.
mathilda williams07-Dec-2007 05:11
thanksfully the fires are under control!
powerful image!
Guest 07-Dec-2007 04:18
this photo really touched me ... thanks for that! (and thank them too)
Julie Hatvany07-Dec-2007 02:44
Excellent shot, very poignant
apothegary07-Dec-2007 00:06
Very nice image. Great entry.
Lion06-Dec-2007 23:46
Now we got to control flowing mud as the rains are coming .
Nancy Lobaugh06-Dec-2007 23:28
great shot!
Ric Yates06-Dec-2007 23:07
Great take on the challenge.
Guest 06-Dec-2007 22:46
This has been such a fun/nny challenge, it is good to have a sober reminder like this.
Well done.
laine8206-Dec-2007 20:03
Heroes all of them...!! Great controllers.
Chris06-Dec-2007 19:15
Brave team of men and women. Let's hope for a more than average rainfall for Oz this year. Great shot. Chris
J. Scott Coile06-Dec-2007 18:46
How thankful we should all be for their ability to control and tame.
Ann...06-Dec-2007 16:47
Such a scary time - glad all is safe now!!!
Dan Chusid06-Dec-2007 15:56
Ah, we know all about that here.
Jola Dziubinska06-Dec-2007 15:38
Excellent capture, it's good the fire is UNDER control.
Tim van Woensel06-Dec-2007 15:35
I'm glad it is!
Carolyn Rasmussen06-Dec-2007 13:48
Excellent image! V
Guest 06-Dec-2007 13:25
Great image! Glad things are under control there.
Maaike Huizer06-Dec-2007 13:16
Finally!!!! Great entry!
Guest 06-Dec-2007 13:06
So pleased they controlled this one,Sheila!Nice study of this Firefighter!
Cindi Smith06-Dec-2007 12:29
Glad they got it under control!
Barbara Heide06-Dec-2007 12:15
excellent shot! v
Yvonne06-Dec-2007 11:32
Oh heck was this a burn off or a bushfire? We've got a few of them here tonight
after some lightning strikes started them. Keep safe Sheila!
j>a>e>17 :):):)06-Dec-2007 11:29
hope you are far far FAR away from this scene... last summer i heard of all the fires in australia & hope they do not reutn... poignant photo :):):)
Zak06-Dec-2007 11:22
your firefighters certainly earn their pay!