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December 5.

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Joanne Kamo12-Dec-2006 13:09
Superb shot, just beautiful! V
shatterbug12-Dec-2006 05:14
This is great, Sheila! Gorgeous colors and details, and perfect dof! V.
edwina beaumont11-Dec-2006 13:41
Great colour and detail on the stamens
laine8209-Dec-2006 23:17
That's truely superb ~v
Guest 09-Dec-2006 04:31
Like Dec 3 this is almost an abstraction. Love the watercolour feel to it.
Tom Munson08-Dec-2006 23:13
Wow Sheila, I like this. Vote
Wei O'Connell08-Dec-2006 03:13
Outstanding. Gorgeous colors and details. vote
firstbrook07-Dec-2006 23:05
Excellent colours....nice fade.....v
Greg Harp07-Dec-2006 21:56
Exquisite work. Voted
Neil Horner06-Dec-2006 22:19
everything Al said , Sheila. vote.
AL06-Dec-2006 08:34
Really, truly, absolutely beautiful! The detail, the dof, the color, the angle, perfect in many ways. An amazing floral graphic shot. Biggest vote.
Olaf Herrig06-Dec-2006 08:01
Excellent macro work!
Eric Carrère06-Dec-2006 07:23
Perfect ! V.
Susan Leigh06-Dec-2006 06:43
A superb composition, with excellent macro work.
The DoF is complimentary with the main POV, this is such a delicate image which is very well portrayed...definitely a winner! GMV
chrisse06-Dec-2006 06:37
Wonderful Sheila, love the PoV and the perfect focus. v
Guest 06-Dec-2006 05:33
Wow! What a superb melt of colors. The details are fantastic. A very well done and very graphic close-up. Voted.
Guest 06-Dec-2006 04:55
GReat composition and dof
caveman_lee06-Dec-2006 04:08
Great shot, nice sharpness and bokeh. Voted.
Dave Wixx06-Dec-2006 04:05
Stunning, beautifully taken. Love the rich colours and dof.
Mindy McNaugher06-Dec-2006 03:54
Stunning macro! Love your shallow DoF! Vote!
Herb 06-Dec-2006 03:22
Nice image
joanteno06-Dec-2006 03:12
Nobody does it better, Vote!
Guest 06-Dec-2006 02:42
Excellent macro shot.V
Yvonne06-Dec-2006 02:31
Wow - absolutely fantastic Sheila!!!! vote
Gary Winters06-Dec-2006 01:57
Vote! Vote! Vote!
Guest 06-Dec-2006 01:17
Very beautiful work on DOF!
Nicely composed too!
Leo Charette06-Dec-2006 00:31
beautiful... composition color and dof... all beautiful
Guest 06-Dec-2006 00:08
super clarity as per usual:-)
Guest 05-Dec-2006 23:56
This is WONDERFUL...
What a DOF..What a warm color..What a detail. BRAVO...Thank you for sharing...
Guest 05-Dec-2006 23:44
Wow ... love those rich colors and texture. Expertly done.
Shayne05-Dec-2006 23:34
Super macro Sheila ~ very well done

Char05-Dec-2006 23:26
Fabulous macro! GMV