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December 4.

Too busy to take a shot today so here is a colourful
character from the Fremantle festival.

Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
1/1600s f/5.0 at 140.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 21-Dec-2006 20:08
I love it! Every available space filled with vibrant colour.
JW13-Dec-2006 00:59
Oooh! Missus!
shatterbug12-Dec-2006 05:12
Very festive lack of enthusiasm!
Tom Tom11-Dec-2006 10:08
Great portrait. Colourful!
Gayle Jenkins09-Dec-2006 05:33
And colorful he is, great shot Sheila
Guest 09-Dec-2006 04:29
So full of attitude!! Just fantastic - v.
Greg Harp07-Dec-2006 21:57
Guest 07-Dec-2006 13:54
very colourful too, great done.
Kal Khogali06-Dec-2006 14:20
!!! Fantastic Sheila, not sure which one I fear most, being kissed or suffocated!! LOL!! K
Guest 06-Dec-2006 01:18
LOL! really funny, great capture!
Thierry Lucas05-Dec-2006 20:26
Wonderful shot !
Shayne05-Dec-2006 17:16
what a great FUN image ~ voted
Olaf Herrig05-Dec-2006 13:02
Excellent portrait shot!
Guest 05-Dec-2006 12:44
Sheila, I am sure this is the same guy from my 2005 shot -
- But I think he has developed somewhat!!!
Bob White05-Dec-2006 12:38
Wow I definatley sgree with Antidote's remark colorful and comical nice shot
Guest 05-Dec-2006 11:15
whoa...i feel like 'colourful character' could be an understatement. :)
looked like a fun festival!
Gary Winters05-Dec-2006 04:59
Now there's one you can't do in black and white!!! Outrageous!
Char05-Dec-2006 04:20
Terrific! How unique and colorful Sheila. GMV
Joanne Kamo05-Dec-2006 04:16
Very colorful shot! V
Guest 05-Dec-2006 03:38
Very colorful shot, nice expressions...V
Peter Stahl05-Dec-2006 00:31
A very colorful and detailed shot Sheila!
Guest 04-Dec-2006 23:10
Great fun, fabulous shot! ~V~
Jackdad04-Dec-2006 22:27
*jaw drops*
Neil Horner04-Dec-2006 21:46
he's braver than me to go out dressed like that ! excellent, fab colours .
Eric Carrère04-Dec-2006 20:28
Stunning portrait Sheila, V.
Barbara Heide04-Dec-2006 19:02
wow ! what a gorgeous christmas tree....
AL04-Dec-2006 15:26
LOL :-) What a great interesting character you got for us, full of color and life! So much to see!
Robert Charity04-Dec-2006 14:12
a colourful character, V
Herb 04-Dec-2006 13:46
Lotsa color :)
Guest 04-Dec-2006 13:39
Great melons:-)
Guest 04-Dec-2006 13:00
Wonderful shot - I missed the festival this year but I captured some of those colourful people last year at
Leo Charette04-Dec-2006 12:22
Love it!
Yvonne04-Dec-2006 12:03
Amazing how many adornments she managed to fit on!!! Very colourful
capture Sheila LOL!!! Looks like a whole heap of fun was to be had there!
Jola Dziubinska04-Dec-2006 11:43
Very colorful decorations, is he (she) going to be a Christmas tree??
Zak04-Dec-2006 11:18
Nice SP ;-) heheh
Nicki Thurgar04-Dec-2006 11:03
LOL, a bit over the top with the Christmas decs then?!! Great shot!
Guenter Eh04-Dec-2006 10:42
A living christmas tree...a female one? Brilliant colorful capture Sheila!
laine8204-Dec-2006 10:34
Ah, Priscilla eat your heart out :>)
olivier bruning04-Dec-2006 10:25
will do! delightful shot, voted
Guest 04-Dec-2006 09:12
What a pair... of glasses!
My Christmas tree is not as fancy. A colorful character indeed.
Victoria04-Dec-2006 08:57
Yes, colourful of Fremantle festival, brilliant work, Sheila , vote ^_^