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June 27.

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Greg Harp01-Jul-2006 04:47
Superb! Gorgeous lighting and wonderful composition.
laine8228-Jun-2006 20:00
dear little velvet it.
lou_rozensteins28-Jun-2006 08:05
Excellent colour and superb detail. Voted.
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik28-Jun-2006 07:39
Beautiful image! Love the colors and composition, Vote! Sandy
Bob White28-Jun-2006 06:35
Beautifull colors and lighting
shatterbug28-Jun-2006 05:13
Great light and details! I like the way the light glistens on the petals!
Guest 28-Jun-2006 00:31
Wonderful color and lighting. The detail on the little "buds" is amazing.
beverley harrison27-Jun-2006 21:40
great detail sheila!!
Neil Horner27-Jun-2006 21:21
great colours , fab light Sheila.
Al Chesworth27-Jun-2006 20:44
Exceptional macro, vote.
Johnny JAG27-Jun-2006 19:16
Wonderful, as ever.
Guenter Eh27-Jun-2006 18:41
Nailed - such a clarity Sheila!
joanteno27-Jun-2006 18:18
Nice light and details.
Bryan Murahashi27-Jun-2006 16:08
Beautiful light and blossom here. Excellent capture and GMV.
Guest 27-Jun-2006 14:42
I'm really impressed. This flower image is not only beautiful, it touches me...
I wish I had done it... But it's definitely yours! Vote.
Peter Stahl27-Jun-2006 13:29
Beautiful flower and great lighting. It has a 3D effect Well done Sheila! GMV.
Jola Dziubinska27-Jun-2006 13:03
Very nicely captured, lovely light and colors.
Herb 27-Jun-2006 12:48
Very nice
Carole Stevens27-Jun-2006 12:37
Great peachy colours Sheila beautifully captured so sharp!
Sue Robertson27-Jun-2006 12:06
The colours in these are so beautiful. I like your composition.
QUERIDO27-Jun-2006 12:03
nice shot
Gary Hebert27-Jun-2006 11:51
lovely light, color and texture Sheila... :)
Yvonne27-Jun-2006 10:27
Beautiful shot of the little pelargonium - gorgeous colour & detail!
Graham Tomlin27-Jun-2006 09:43
very nice regards Helen
Guest 27-Jun-2006 09:38
Very clarity work Sheila. Wonderful color and nice detail. GMV