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June 26. African daisy

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Richard Calmes03-Jul-2006 16:00
Outstanding in pretty much every way! V
Greg Harp01-Jul-2006 04:47
Amazing macro.
laine8228-Jun-2006 19:59
Look how far behind I am :>( I adore this, Sheila. it's magical in it's state of focus ~v
Guest 27-Jun-2006 14:43
I agree with Steven. Must add light to the list.
It's a dream! V
Steven Jusczyk27-Jun-2006 08:07
Great focus, great color, great shot! Excellent composition, too.
shatterbug27-Jun-2006 07:59
Excellent macro! Beautiful light, great colors, detail, and dof! Love this comp too! Vote.
Peter Stahl27-Jun-2006 05:28
Good use of DOF .Nice image Sheila!
Cindy Flood27-Jun-2006 02:07
Wonderful lighting and DOF in this macro.
Guest 27-Jun-2006 01:42
Awesome perspective!!
Mindy McNaugher27-Jun-2006 00:17
Exquisite!!! Love it! Vote!
Guest 27-Jun-2006 00:04
Nice image :O)
Gary Winters26-Jun-2006 21:39
3-D... Very, very good.
Johnny JAG26-Jun-2006 20:22
Stunning, vote
Victoria26-Jun-2006 19:57
Beautiful capture
Neil Horner26-Jun-2006 19:36
voted by the way !
Neil Horner26-Jun-2006 19:36
fabulous shot Sheila, you got in real close on that one !
purpod26-Jun-2006 17:48
Superb image, Sheila! Love the crisp middle against the oof petals! GMVE
Tachi26-Jun-2006 16:01
Chris Sofopoulos26-Jun-2006 15:55
Absolutely beautiful colour and crop!
beverley harrison26-Jun-2006 15:36
nailed the dof on this one i see!!
Bryan Murahashi26-Jun-2006 15:13
Excellent macro. Great focus and dof here. GMV.
joanteno26-Jun-2006 14:56
Vote! Love the dof, light, and detail
Guest 26-Jun-2006 13:25
Wonderful light and colours!!
Herb 26-Jun-2006 13:08
Great macro
David Clunas26-Jun-2006 13:05
Very nice comp, just enough light and shade, like the way you found in between the missing petals
QUERIDO26-Jun-2006 12:28
nice shot
Guest 26-Jun-2006 12:11
A masterpiece. Voted
Guest 26-Jun-2006 11:54
Breathtaking color, detail. The dof really makes the picture. Vote!
Gilles Navet26-Jun-2006 11:54
Amazing use of light, tones and DoF
Kathy Pedersen26-Jun-2006 11:46
Amazing detail, perspective and comp! Voted
Bob White26-Jun-2006 11:05
Wow this is different wonderful image terific perspective and colors
Guenter Eh26-Jun-2006 10:51
Like the african sun - beautiful - dreamlike - close up Sheila!
Susan Leigh26-Jun-2006 10:17
Nice image indeed, great DoF..good detailed macro...and set up well!! gmv
Yvonne26-Jun-2006 10:10
Wow - that is absolutely superb!!!
Zak26-Jun-2006 09:58
Graham Tomlin26-Jun-2006 09:56
very nice regards Helen
lou_rozensteins26-Jun-2006 09:53
Excellent colours and details in the centre of the flower. Voted.
Guest 26-Jun-2006 09:50
What a wonderful job. Beautiful flower and nice focus with warm colors. Very well done Sheila. Got my BIG VOTE
Guest 26-Jun-2006 09:47
ver attractive image.
Jola Dziubinska26-Jun-2006 09:41
Wow, truelly original and beautiful. Love the detailed focus and blurry DOF. Amazing light and colors as well.
Nicki Thurgar26-Jun-2006 09:25
Beautiful... great lighting!