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June 28. Winter grey

We had a sort of wintery day today. Well, grey skies anyway, which
prevented the flowers from opening.

Thursdays fun challenge is a load of RUBBISH (garbage) !! literally!!
Wish I'd known, our rubbish was collected today :-)

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 09-Jul-2006 15:46
The lighting is special, and I like the grey stripe in the background too! Not to mention sharpness, DOF & colour! V.
Olaf Herrig03-Jul-2006 09:17
Excellent flower macro!
Greg Harp01-Jul-2006 04:46
WOW. Gorgeous. Voted
Guest 30-Jun-2006 14:54
Wow, this is just sssooo lovely. The colors and softenss are quite calming.
John Beck29-Jun-2006 23:37
I've been so buried in rubbish today that I forgot to look around. This is absolutely gorgeous. v
shatterbug29-Jun-2006 20:47
This is soooo gorgeous! Lovely light, colors, and dof, and a wonderful composition! Vote.
Guest 29-Jun-2006 18:03
Amazing beauty. The colours are fantastic. DOF, a wonder. V
lou_rozensteins29-Jun-2006 09:27
Beautiful colour and composition. They look like very delicate flowers. Well done.
Cindy Flood29-Jun-2006 03:59
Fantastic composition. I love the soft colors.
Doug Kessler29-Jun-2006 02:47
Another marvelous macro, Sheila! V
Hubert Steed29-Jun-2006 00:14
Very lovely... gmv
Guest 28-Jun-2006 23:40
Nice work :O)
Sue Robertson28-Jun-2006 23:20
What a lovely composition. the light is so delicate. Well done. v
Mike Moats28-Jun-2006 23:12
Nice image and lighting
Al Chesworth28-Jun-2006 20:53
Wow that's a cracker, voted.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography28-Jun-2006 20:44
Very beautiful, Vote :)
Neil Horner28-Jun-2006 20:24
superb as usual !
Buz Kiefer28-Jun-2006 20:19
Simplely lovely.
laine8228-Jun-2006 20:02
A dreamy delicate. Vote !! It's 4 days since I picked up the camera..I miss it.
Johnny JAG28-Jun-2006 18:51
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik28-Jun-2006 18:21
Exquisite - love this shot! VOTE! Sandy
gary becker28-Jun-2006 18:13
beverley harrison28-Jun-2006 17:50
beautiful sheila and my favourite colours too!!
Tom Munson28-Jun-2006 17:41
Outstanding image Sheila, love the color. GMV
Guest 28-Jun-2006 17:40
Great colors of purple and grey..very nice!
Guenter Eh28-Jun-2006 17:39
Really beautiful Sheila! Soul food!
Char28-Jun-2006 14:26
This is so beautiful Sheila. What a wonderful effect you captured here. GMV
Larry Ahern28-Jun-2006 14:19
Wonderful shot!!
Guest 28-Jun-2006 14:19
Excellent shot!!Very nice detail and compo!!
Peter Stahl28-Jun-2006 13:44
Wow! Stunning shot! GMV.
BAS Photography28-Jun-2006 13:09
Outstanding! ~V~
Herb 28-Jun-2006 13:01
Nice image
Mindy McNaugher28-Jun-2006 12:59
So exquisite and delicate!! Stunning! Vote!
Graham Tomlin28-Jun-2006 12:30
lovely regards Helen
Guest 28-Jun-2006 12:25
nice lighting and tones
Yvonne28-Jun-2006 12:18
Absolutely exquisite Sheila! V
Renee Lockett28-Jun-2006 12:00
Exquisite is right. Magnificent capture, Sheila. :) GMV.
Bob White28-Jun-2006 11:46
Thats enough to brighten any dull day
Karen Stuebing28-Jun-2006 11:34
Exquisite. Vote.
Donna Pownall28-Jun-2006 11:28
Love the DOF and the fabulous colours. Just beautiful.
gerard belbeoch28-Jun-2006 11:27
Susan Leigh28-Jun-2006 11:22
This is stunning! love the colour, nice DoF, a gentle finish...well done! GMV
Guest 28-Jun-2006 11:10
the nice thing about grey - is the tones are always a lovely misty hue...
Leo Charette28-Jun-2006 10:45
Superb composition, light and dof. Beautiful (v)
Guest 28-Jun-2006 10:27
Forget login :-P
What a nice shot and beautiful color. GMV
Guest 28-Jun-2006 10:25
What a nice shot and beautiful color. GMV
Arno Meintjes Wildlife28-Jun-2006 10:23
Amazingly beautiful. V.
Jola Dziubinska28-Jun-2006 10:14
Beautiful, delicate photo, well done Sheila.