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Gordon W | all galleries >> My Best Shots >> Best of the Photo Odyssey > A Beacon In Darkness 20071209
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A Beacon In Darkness 20071209

Sunray over the Sonoran Desert

Photographed west of Tucson, Arizona USA.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS
1/60s f/8.0 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 14-Jul-2009 03:04
urs20-Jun-2009 07:46
Great shot, Gordon. The sonoran desert is one of my favorite places down in Arizona. Such a vast desert land full of cactuses and other desert fauna. A great place to experience silence and peace. Very good eye, Gordon. V
Algis Kemezys19-Apr-2009 02:38
The finger of GOD...
Reflections by Ruth20-Mar-2009 06:03
you were there at the perfect moment, love the beam of light :)
Guest 06-Mar-2009 15:58
very beautiful lights , voted
caveman_lee07-Jan-2009 16:18
A very impressive shot, magical indeed.
Guest 26-Aug-2008 19:12
Brilliant composition and lighting V
Noor Khan02-Apr-2008 23:48
Wow! What a shot!
Guest 01-Mar-2008 14:42
What a Marvelous discovery you are. This is the Perfect essence of the Sonoran desert, Thank You for sharing this Beauty!
poetry66631-Jan-2008 14:29
So beautiful and calming..V.
Karen Moen23-Jan-2008 06:56
Wow, what an amazing light capture! Gorgeous!!! Voted.
endre novak04-Jan-2008 22:43
Milan Vogrin31-Dec-2007 12:32
Great catch! V!
Lee G15-Dec-2007 02:01
Beautiful desert scene! v
Guest 14-Dec-2007 22:19
big ray...big vote
Guest 09-Dec-2007 19:13
A very nice capture here, V
Guest 09-Dec-2007 18:37
Excellent Shot V
Terry Olsen09-Dec-2007 14:56
Incredible capture! Talk about being in the right place at the right time. V
Guest 09-Dec-2007 14:50
Look at that! V
monil09-Dec-2007 12:10
Very nice sunrise.
Excellent light
Guest 09-Dec-2007 11:55
Beautiful light !! Vote
