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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS

Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS Lens Sample Photos

Lens Mount: EF-S
Random Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS Samples from 74203 available Photos more
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Barry S Moore25-Jul-2013 12:37
This lens also develops a focus hunt problem. The fix involved a partial disassembly, cleaning the USM motor position sensor, regluing it if it is loose and reassembly. I have pictures and comments at
Barry S Moore20-Jun-2010 14:54
This lens has a serious design fault. An internal flexible cable breaks after a few years usage. Mine failed after 3 years of use. Link is
ruggs19-Dec-2009 20:58
Look there is nothing wrong with this lens, just use it and have fun. Yes this is not a Canon L lens then again it wasn't ment to be. I love this lens much better then the 18-55 standard.
Barry McCartney03-Oct-2009 02:59
A REVISED COMMENT - After a year of use I have reevaluated this lens as a good overall lens with some limitations due to curvature. The 18-200 however is more useful and seems to have better contrast.
Guest 14-Jan-2009 22:03
This in a lens that is very good for travel photos. Its price is dropping as the newer EF-S 18-200 comes into the market making it quite affordable. I have seen some in excellent contition on the used market for $300-350US. It is a lens that has performed well for me and I have used it for nearly two years both on an XT and more recently on a 40D. In the Canon stable, there are alternatives but they are very expensive.
Barry McCartney08-Oct-2008 02:01
Considering the drawbacks, this lens is hugely overpriced. Most of my shooting with this lens is at maximum wide angle, which results in the most horrendous horizon curvature and just about everything vertical is on a slant - most of these are not correctable using Photoshop. Many wasted shots and time trying to make shots passable - frustrating! Would definately not recommend it to anyone who wants to use the 17mm range - Canon goofed on this lens. A friend has the Nikon 18-200 and does not have this much distortion. Maybe Canon's newly announced 18-200 will be better, but be cautious before buying it.
Guest 15-Sep-2008 12:26
I love the utility this lens gets me in one package to carry.
Adalberto Tiburzi19-Aug-2007 09:36
In my opinion this is decent lens, and the IS is really a plus.
Look at how it works 85mm full aperture 1/4sec:
Almost my whole gallery "Slender is the (handheld) Night" has been made with that lens.
Agostino Faggiotto08-Feb-2007 21:20
From the reviews at first it seemed quite a step from the kit lens.
Then after some time (the new 17-55 f/2.8 had just come out) I came across a lot of semi negative criticism.
Sure it is not the 17-55mm f/2.8, but I am very happy with the quality and versatility of this lens. See for yourself:
Ali Majdfar13-Dec-2006 11:43
My favorite, walk around lens, specially for low light condition. The IS is superb:
Guest 24-Aug-2006 20:18
Am very pleased with EF 17-85, (with 350D), and the IS feature means I rarely get a blurred image.
Guest 12-Jun-2006 09:39
This is a good walkabout lens, has a good range and is good quality. Ideal replacement for the Canon 350D kit lens

I have a gallery of pics taken with this lens on a 350D

To compare/contrats with other lenses:
Guest 30-May-2006 17:43
Great range and in normal daylight conditions result appears as sharp as the EF 50mm/1,4.

See my 17-85 Gallery at:
Oren Barel28-Mar-2006 12:08
a very good lens
Ron S. Bernardo23-Mar-2006 00:39
Very good walk-around lens!
Canon-300D16-Nov-2004 18:43
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