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Gordon W | all galleries >> My Best Shots >> Best of the Photo Odyssey > Don Robertson 29413
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Don Robertson 29413

Owner and operator of the Gold King Mine Museum & Ghost Town,
home to an endless wealth of photo ops.

Photographed in Jerome, Arizona, USA.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS
1/160s f/8.0 at 47.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 10-Mar-2012 22:42
Great portrait , framing and colors
Marina Arimany25-May-2010 13:09
Great portrait beautifully framed.
maribel balius11-Apr-2010 13:56
Wonderful shot!
Steve Pepple05-Jul-2009 13:17
Beautiful, love the vivid color.
Guest 12-Sep-2008 21:31
It might be a controlled surrounding, the person is 100% natural for sure, wonderful capture! ~V~
kimene S31-Dec-2007 02:52
Gorgeous capture! VOTE
Guest 22-Nov-2007 07:00
I just met this guy a few weeks ago! What are the odds of running into this photo randomly! Excellent image by the way!
Ashley Hockenberry31-May-2007 20:26
Outstanding capture
Yves Rubin06-Feb-2007 17:47
Love it, what a character! The striking blue and red colors only add to the charm.
Guest 16-Jan-2007 21:45
This is a very memorable shot. Nice job
Robyco20-Dec-2006 09:37
He really looks like an old Gold-Digger.
Good composition and good colors.