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Gordon W | all galleries >> My Best Shots >> Best of the Photo Odyssey > Pasture In Foggy Sunrise 20071004
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Pasture In Foggy Sunrise 20071004

Photographed near Lindsay, Ontario Canada.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS
1/400s f/8.0 at 50.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 10-Apr-2009 17:45
It worth it!!! Superb!
Ashley Hockenberry08-Mar-2008 01:59
One of your best
Mani Jahanshahi19-Jan-2008 15:42
it's amazingggg, I love it.
Excellent shot Gordon. V!
Treas25-Oct-2007 11:09
Beautiful scene. I can feel the fog.
Chad Ramsey21-Oct-2007 23:51
Excellent shot!!! What a beautiful feeling to this photo~V
Guest 09-Oct-2007 16:33
scott stroh09-Oct-2007 15:51
The lihgt and mood here are great.
Licaga07-Oct-2007 16:05
beautiful shot V
mathilda williams06-Oct-2007 13:43
wonderful, wonderful.
Guest 05-Oct-2007 02:53
Good grief. Do you have a single morning that isn't spectacular? V
Bill Gallagher04-Oct-2007 20:22
Very nice, I can almost feel the approach of winter in this shot. V
Esa Ervasti04-Oct-2007 17:45
Nice work, my compliments.
Jan Frode Aase04-Oct-2007 17:20
Beautiful mood. Excellent light and colours.
The softness of the mist makes a wonderful composition. V
Liz Bickel04-Oct-2007 17:14
This is an absolutely stunning shot.
Guest 04-Oct-2007 17:02
Great composition and timing. Foreground and background equally captivating.
Guest 04-Oct-2007 16:37
Spectacular sunrise in the fog.. awesome!
Yi Feng04-Oct-2007 16:20
Absolutely stunning! Love the foggy feeling! Wonderful colors! V