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Gordon W | all galleries >> My Best Shots >> Best of the Photo Odyssey > Big Bend at Sunset 6541
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Big Bend at Sunset 6541

Photographed in Big Bend National Park, Texas USA.

Canon EOS 20D , with Canon 75-300mm IS 4-5.6 lens
1/200s f/11.0 at 300.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Bartosz Kotulski13-Jun-2008 14:58
wonderful landscape. well done
Jaime González07-Sep-2007 10:33
Beautiful landscape. I like the layered mountains. -V-
clark langley10-May-2007 02:24
Ian Dalgliesh12-Oct-2006 09:53
Another wonderful shot.
pep02-Oct-2006 19:11
What every one said, nothing to add. V
Ronald Gale Johnson26-Aug-2005 16:02
If I had to select the best of the gallery...this is it. What beautiful colors & tones you've captured.
G.Pietro Munaretto10-Aug-2005 10:38
Guest 17-Mar-2005 14:15
Beautiful sunrise. The gradation of the tones are excellent.