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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photos by Subject >> Transportation Gallery >> By Water > Dawn Fishermen 20050703
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Dawn Fishermen 20050703

Speeding their way down the Scugog River toward Sturgeon Lake.

Photographed near Lindsay, Ontario Canada.

Canon EOS 20D , with Canon 75-300mm IS 4-5.6 lens
1/1000s f/7.1 at 235.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dan the Man23-Jan-2008 01:17
Incredible tone balance! Excellent picture..Bravo! V
Guest 16-Jan-2007 21:43
Very very nice
I love the colors
Guest 06-Nov-2006 17:59
Mist oozing with mood. voted.
Kimberley Hannaman Taylor15-Sep-2005 01:08
Amazing. A little Photoshop? PS is the modern darkroom anyway and this shot rocks! Voted :OP
K in Vermont
Anna Yu15-Jul-2005 20:42
Dreamy shot.
Donald Verger14-Jul-2005 08:56
wonderful colors! voted
Steven Jusczyk04-Jul-2005 06:51
Beautiful capture.
Mindy McNaugher04-Jul-2005 03:56
Stunning shot! The colors, the fog, the comp, the mood! Vote!
Jeffery Stahlman04-Jul-2005 01:47
very nice catch
Jola Dziubinska03-Jul-2005 23:50
Wonderful color of the light, beautiful photo.
jude03-Jul-2005 21:00
Coleen Perilloux Landry03-Jul-2005 17:11
The golden sunrise and the mist make this so wonderful. Love the reflection.
Di03-Jul-2005 15:00
This is wonderful. Love the orange glow of the water. GMV
Guest 03-Jul-2005 13:41
excellent scene and colors
Guest 03-Jul-2005 13:27
wonderful colours and moody picture. voted.
joanteno03-Jul-2005 13:17
Great shot.voted.
markvm03-Jul-2005 13:02
Excellent image! V
Elaine (etfitz)03-Jul-2005 12:13
Gorgeous colors and wonderful composition!
Larry Ahern03-Jul-2005 10:50
Peter Eklöf03-Jul-2005 10:49
very very nice!