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Sheila | all galleries >> Challenges >> Thursday Informal Challenge > "Let onion atoms lurk within the bowl,
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"Let onion atoms lurk within the bowl,

and, scarce suspected, animate the whole." (Recipe for salad.)

Fruit and Veg challenge. Others crying into their cameras here

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Photo Club Pavillonnais17-Jan-2008 22:10
C'est intéressant car avec 3 fois rien le résultat est bien la ...
Nancy Lobaugh02-Dec-2007 23:07
the onions are even crying..
great shot!
Barry S Moore01-Dec-2007 12:45
Brings tears to my eyes
Eckhart Derschmidt30-Nov-2007 17:07
Nicely done!
The Third Side30-Nov-2007 16:58
Makes me want to cry.
Guest 30-Nov-2007 10:09
red onion on my salad please
Guest 30-Nov-2007 07:36
Like the rings of Saturn - fresh with salad or lightly sautéed, the taste is out of this world! ~V~
Guest 30-Nov-2007 06:05
Lovely lines and color. Well done!
Dave Hein30-Nov-2007 05:22
a real tear jerker!
Dave Wixx30-Nov-2007 05:11
That'll make your eyes water!!!
shatterbug30-Nov-2007 03:16
Great the detail and patterns!
carolynne_w30-Nov-2007 03:12
Very nicely composed!
mathilda williams30-Nov-2007 01:11
a house isn't a house without an onion.
well done!
Guest 30-Nov-2007 00:35
Great light and textures! Nicely done.
Stephen Ware30-Nov-2007 00:07
Those look so good I wanna start cooking.
moucheter30-Nov-2007 00:04
Nicely done!
Guest 29-Nov-2007 23:29
It's making my eyes water !!
Title sounds like something from Hamlet ! ;-) Great Shot BTW..
Phillip Normanton29-Nov-2007 23:05
That's making my mouth water!
Guest 29-Nov-2007 21:33
Pass me a tissue,Sheila!!That is such a very creative shot of one of the most useful vegetables there are!Excellent composition and textures!
Chris29-Nov-2007 20:32
Mouthwatering, yum. Toasted cheese and onion sandwiches!! Chris
An De Wilde29-Nov-2007 20:31
makes me cry :-)
nice !
J. Scott Coile29-Nov-2007 19:59
Little tears are dripping on my keyboard ;-)
Laryl29-Nov-2007 19:58
great one!
Xavi Barneda29-Nov-2007 19:58
Nice texture!...and tears V
beverley harrison29-Nov-2007 19:44
running rings around us again sheila!! love red onions...soooo sweeet!!
Zak29-Nov-2007 19:12
you've made my eyes all watery!
Ilana gil29-Nov-2007 19:02
Love the's GREAT!
Michael Shpuntov29-Nov-2007 17:38
You made the onions look very delicious. Excellent.
Guest 29-Nov-2007 17:10
Great shot! Love the detail.
Dan Chusid29-Nov-2007 15:48
I told the waiter I didn't want those.
Can't get good service these days...
: (
joanteno29-Nov-2007 15:40
Great shot, looks so crisp.
royalld29-Nov-2007 15:03
Great macro. I know it had to bring tears to your eyes.
Ann...29-Nov-2007 14:58
Sniff! sniff!! tasty though :))
Guest 29-Nov-2007 14:54
Tears on my face ;-)
Dick Lowthian29-Nov-2007 13:58
Very well composed.
Herb 29-Nov-2007 13:41
This brings tears to my eyes :)
Nice macro
Photo Club Pavillonnais29-Nov-2007 13:35
L'émotion est si forte que j'en pleure !!
.... détails parfaits !
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography29-Nov-2007 13:10
Superb close-up, Vote.
Eric Carrère29-Nov-2007 13:05
Perfect close up and comosition dear Sheila :)
Enrico Martinuzzi29-Nov-2007 12:48
Excellent macro. Well done
j>a>e>17 :):):)29-Nov-2007 12:33
you must be related to my dad... he was an onion freak & i am the opposite... he'd chase me with his :):):)
Cindi Smith29-Nov-2007 12:22
Makes me cry! Great shot!
Jola Dziubinska29-Nov-2007 11:54
Excellent capture, but too close :( :( :(
Karen Stuebing29-Nov-2007 11:50
Fantastic light, shape, framing and texture. And I'm an onion lover. :) Beautifully done. V.
Barbara Heide29-Nov-2007 11:44
excellent close-up!
Máire Uí Mhaicín29-Nov-2007 11:18
This is great Sheila, but I'm smiling at Tim's comment!
Yvonne29-Nov-2007 11:17
My eyes are stinging Sheila!!!
Victoria29-Nov-2007 10:57
Stunning awesome :))))))))))))))
Susan Leigh29-Nov-2007 10:52
...wher's the cheese??? ;-))
Faye White29-Nov-2007 10:47
laine8229-Nov-2007 10:35
Yummy with everything !!
Norbert Fortelny29-Nov-2007 10:32
fred_il29-Nov-2007 10:29
Beautiful macro!
Maaike Huizer29-Nov-2007 10:27
great close-up
Tim van Woensel29-Nov-2007 10:12
My eyes! :)
Guest 29-Nov-2007 10:11
Nice shot Sheila, you certainly know your onions!
Guest 29-Nov-2007 09:57
crying. :(