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hugo poon | all galleries >> Galleries >> my favourites since 2007 > dancin'
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Central Market, Central, Hong Kong

FujiFilm Finepix F200EXR
1/9s f/3.3 at 6.4mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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k@ 11-Sep-2010 06:17
Glad to be able to see the serie here, and a delight to stop by this one again ! Such a grace & poetry at the same time... A sweet w-e to you*
Guest 29-Jul-2010 10:39
Excellent captured in the right moment. Simple and good composition. V
uri mahlev01-Aug-2009 17:17
Excellent. uri
CM Kwan31-May-2009 13:30
Interesting. Love the mood and perspective, Hugo! V
endre novak31-May-2009 13:24
ahh, that is sweet!
kingshill31-May-2009 12:54
Excellent capture Hugo