the lung moon through a tram window |
 wing woo grocery? |
 "the fruit stall" |
 centre... |
 queen's road west & a night rider... |
 when night falls... |
 when night falls... |
 "heavenly..." (天上人間 ) |
 "i am lost in hong kong" |
 in a sea of crowds... |
 companion |
 companion... |
 "the family" |
 "soothe me..." |
 curiosity can kill... |
 "emergency exit" |
 "red" |
 "stop" |
 derelict... |
 "mural" |
 "3 generations" |
 遠大目標 |
 "watching" |
 "bewitched?!" |
 social consciousness |
 courage, with or without hope... |
 courage, with or without hope |
 "who says it's difficult to catch a taxi..." |
 another hard day's night... |
 "fine?" "fine........." |
 2ifc and a little girl in red... |
 〝反〞 |
 mood of the night tram... |
 cold, wet, colourful |
 flying... like time |
 "sleep well... see you in 2010!" |
 happy 2010!!! |
 "x'mas eve" |
 photographing... |
 season's greetings from hong kong |
 pudong skyline... |
 one of its last days... |
 one of its last days... |
 "beauty of the night" |
 ?! |
 bus stop, bus stop, bus stop... |
 your world and my world... |
 a glimpse of one last "dai pai dong" |
 night life... |
 the flower shop and three girls... |
 "don't turn away from me..." |
 caged beauty... |
 the peak tower... |
 an old street lamp... |
 all night long... |
 "my job is to sit and watch..." |
 central by night |
 old street, old shop, old acquaintances |
 roof |
 福 |
 "44697" |
 "the swank" |
 "we intersect, yet never meet..." |
 "you're so beautiful..." |
 "she's so beautiful..." |
 a hard day's evening... |
 "the pawn" |
 reminiscing ... |
 "don't smile to a stranger..." |
 fishing, singing and dancing in the dark... |
 fishing in the dark... |
 an old fashioned tailor... |
 passing by... |
 "what's up dr?" |
 "soho wines & spirits" |
 evening lights |
 "reaching for the sky..." |
 "laundry - hong kong style" |
 "How do you do..." |
 "please forgive me if i'm intruding..." |
 "you've got time to kill..." |
 just tired... |
 peering eyes... |
 a man at work... |
 "looking back..." |
 acquaintances... |
 walking away from yesterday... |
 "welcome home" |
 "tram jam" |
 a sudden shower... |
 "lydia salon" |
 night life... |
 worshipping the "tu di gong" (earth god) |
 duo... |
 heading west... |
 "castle in the air" |
 dancin' |
 "armani collezioni" |
 "armani collezioni" |
 "a security guard and the pavilion" |
 a seasoned gardener |
 bewilderment of the night... |
 "art?" |
 the photogenic street |
 "happy" |
 "nice restaurant" |
 "da lang 打冷" |
 third street & 2ifc |
 wi-fi ? |
 going home... |
 flinders street at night... |
 bank of new south wales? |
 parliament of victoria |
 philip island |
 the meek... |
 "pay here please..." |
 "dream" |
 "don't worry, be happy..." |
 "what's the hurry?" |
 "time travel machine" |
 "no parking - theatre exit" |
 "shanghai village" |
 have a happy day! |
 good morning melbourne! |
 good morning melbourne! |
 "orange" |
 "a sign of spring" |
 "love connected" |
 awaiting... |
 mak kam kee shoes maker |
 "lotus"(蓮) |
 "lotus" (蓮) |
 taxi window... |
 an old star ferry and some new skyscrapers |
 causeway bay typhoon shelter |
 "pls don't take away!" |
 "walking in the sky" |
 "acrobat?!" |
 I love how she loves her job... |
 "taxi drop off only..." |
 a local grass-roots noodle shop... and a bentley |
 contemplating... |
 the pavement... |
 "vanishing vanish point" |
 "curious court" |
 "about to close..." |
 "overseeing..." |
 "a face" |
 hollywood terrace |
 "keep clear!" |
 "three" |
 a glimpse of... hong kong |
 father & son... |
 mother & son... |
 moon... |
 tree & moon... |
 moon and tree... |
 faces... |
 "sea of people" |
 "tourists" |
 "refused to die" |
 "where have all the trams gone tonight?" |
 the tramway and the colours of the night... |
 mood of the night... |
 yawn... |
 "shhh!" |
 here it comes... |
 awaiting... |
 "?" |
 8:08 p.m. |
 "see who's winning, who's winning!" |
 "check!" |
 "grassroots happy hour..." |
 kwan king kee machinery engineering |
 amoy street & hopewell centre... |
 "uphill..." |
 "night life" |
 feeling warm... |
 waiting to turn over a new leaf... |
 hong kong |