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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Ordinary things >> Copied Galleries - Mistake >> Olympus 75-300 f/4.8-6.7 II Micro > 1936 (?) Chevy
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Frank Brault

1936 (?) Chevy

Westbrook, Connecticut USA

This was in the parking lot of Vintage Motorcars (2000 Boston Post Road - Route 1)

Olympus OM-D EM-1 ,Olympus M.Zuiko ED 75-300mm f4.8-6.7 II ,Best at original size.
1/200s f/5.0 at 75.0mm iso200 RAW/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jeff Real29-Jul-2014 01:25
Absolutely awesome photograph ~V~
Buz Kiefer27-Jul-2014 22:31
It sure is in beautiful condition. Vote.
MarcViskens25-Jul-2014 18:10
very nice shot
this is a nice one: well cared
Jean D22-Jul-2014 02:36
WOW! This is one neat classic, well cared for. ~V
Walter Otto Koenig21-Jul-2014 16:00
Great details in this head on shot. Nice with the tight framing. "V"
Fong Lam21-Jul-2014 13:51
Splendid shot of this vintage beauty and so well framed too..V
Stephanie21-Jul-2014 11:12
What a fine old car! She has obviously been well cared for! BV
Michal Leszczynski21-Jul-2014 10:22
Beautiful classic car, well seen and great find. Beautiful photo. Nice colors and details. V.
laine21-Jul-2014 09:28
Vintage at it's nicest
Brian McAllister21-Jul-2014 04:32
A classic capture! V.
John Lamb21-Jul-2014 02:41
Love the "in your face' view point Frank. Very nice body paint work.~v~
Hernan E. Enriquez21-Jul-2014 02:39
Nice Frank!