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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sunsets & Twilight & Golden & Blue Hours Sky >
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03-Jul-2014 Frank Brault

Olympus OM-D EM-1 ,Olympus M.Zuiko ED 75-300mm f4.8-6.7 II ,Best at original size.
1/1000s f/8.0 at 124.0mm iso200 RAW/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 28-Dec-2018 06:22
Oh nature
Yiannis Pavlis10-Jul-2014 20:37
Unique point of view and beautiful light.V
Tom LeRoy05-Jul-2014 19:46
Magical atmosphere, Frank! Splendid work! V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)04-Jul-2014 16:48
Jeff Real04-Jul-2014 16:42
A breathtaking work of the imagination ~V~
Jean Chiasson04-Jul-2014 16:40
Wow fantastic image Frank big vote