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Carl and Racine Erland | all galleries >> Monthly Galleries Archive: January 2009 - December 2023 >> October 2010 > " lunch here"
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19-OCT-2010 Carl Erland

" lunch here"

Southern Vancouver Island

Some days you're just lucky and today was one of them. I spotted this mink coming up from the water's edge and then it disappeared into the bush. A quick sneek over for a careful examination of the area and I concluded it was off to other places, not to be seen again this day....wrong! As I continued on my walk there it was, on a footbridge over the stream, checking the water below for the possibility of a tasty meal. I clicked, it ignored me, and while the mink didn't find a meal I was lucky and got a number of shots.

Mink facts: Mink will eat virtually anything they can catch and kill, including fish, birds, bird eggs, insects, crabs, clams, and small mammals. There are both seasonal and annual differences in the diet depending on what is available. Mink prefer streams, ponds, beaches, or marshes. An abundance of hares or mice may cause them to move inland. ~ Alaska Department of Fish and Game

To see more of our mink and otter images click HERE

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Ed McConnell24-Oct-2010 23:38
nice find and shot Carl..
lou_rozensteins24-Oct-2010 23:17
Excellent shot. Well done.
Carla Resh24-Oct-2010 16:56
great shot...right place right time.
J. Scott Coile24-Oct-2010 15:57
I've never seen one in the wild. Cool.