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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EOS 50D

Canon EOS 50D SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 26-Aug-2008
Lens Mount: EF-S
Megapixels: 15.1
Random Canon EOS 50D Samples from 412319 available Photos more
g1/97/771497/3/130084539.R2UxHJIt.jpg g10/96/632696/3/166665248.rbFSWIPs.jpg g9/30/982030/3/149007499.Jy9929IF.jpg g3/21/502821/3/121428673.5CYUBI6S.jpg
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Guest 11-Jan-2013 02:31
Llegando apenas a esta maravilla de máquina. Muy contento con ella.
Barry S Moore12-Jul-2012 00:21
Thankyou to the people behind Magic Lantern. I have been running the "firmware" fix for over 6 months without any problems. The focus in dramatical easier to find in live view with a differential "red" pixel at all the sharp edges and I now have movie mode (see my first comment in comment list). Yes there is no sound but for general use movie with narration and music or Macro movies this is just fantastic. I especially like the AUTO take a shot if something moves mode for wildlife. What a great magic lantern feature. See the wiki at
SiliconVoid25-Jun-2012 03:35
Thanks for your input Louis, we all appreciate the insight of a brand troll.

If you did even purchase a 50D (as opposed to say just browsing through other peoples images for assessment) and received a defective model in some way that is not an verdict of the manufacturer nor model. Nikon has produced some lemons as well, not to mention an equal number of owners with defective hardware. As you supposedly sent the camera into Canon three times and were still unable to take 'sharp' photos, it is more probable that someone used cheap lenses and/or poor technique.

There is no inherent softness of the 50D, however just like every higher mp camera that comes out people are slow to admit that the lenses they have been using and their technique are just not up to the task. Even some of Canon's earlier 'L' glass prior to the 50D was not capable of resolving this sensor. Just for reference, the 15mp APS-C sensor in this body has the same pixel density as a ~37.5mp full frame sensor - something Canon/Nikon/Sony/etc has yet to even produce. So to say that there are a some Canon lenses unable to produce 'sharp' images on the 50D would be a gross understatement.

If you feel your Nikon D70 is a better camera, great! Go have fun taking your backyard snapshots.
Louis Indelicato15-Jan-2012 13:00
This camera is a piece of crap, it has been back to canon 3 time for focus problems, and still it does not take clear, and sharp photos. I have even let pro photographers shoot with it and they say there is some kind of problem with this thing. I made a big mistake switching to canon, I'm going back to Nikon
Ron Lutz II30-Nov-2009 01:12
All I can say is that I am very pleased with this camera. I actually bought it through the Canon Loyalty Program. I traded in my old, broken 10D (wore out the shutter years ago) for a refurbished 50D at a pretty low price.
Guest 11-Nov-2009 21:07
I got this as an upgrade from my eos 350d and I love this camera, it was well worth the money. I've read in some reviews about users who complain about the camera not having video or being an equivalent of the Canon EOS Rebel T1i but cost more.

The Rebel T1i is basically a starter dslr packed with a lot of features...the 50d is a prosumer dslr which is aimed at advanced photographers who want to experience an almost pro camera without breaking the bank. The 50d is more expensive because it has features that a starter dslr doesn't have. Features such as a faster maximum shutter speed, faster frames per second burst, more raw file format type saving, a magnesium alloy body, a pc sync terminal and more. It also has a bulkier feel to it when holding it which a lot of photographers prefer than the smaller starter dslrs. The pc sync terminal is perfect when working in a studio. I don't really mind it not having video at all. If I wanted video, I would buy a video camera instead of a dslr which I think would have a better video quality in the first place.

All in all it was a thousand dollars well worth it!
Guest 13-Apr-2009 22:08
One of the best cameras I have ever owned. Period. Very low image noise, even at 6400/12800, and the detail is incredible. Hats off to Canon for leading the way as always!
Barry S Moore27-Mar-2009 12:40
Well the 500D has been released and it has Movie mode and bascially everything the 50D offers.... Is it as good as the 50D and therefore better values for your dollar??? Maybe I should have waited for its release.
Guest 16-Jan-2009 17:27
Just coming back from my frist trip with my new 50D. Even if I only had the kit lens (17-85 f/4-5.6 IS USM) I must admit that I'm preetty impressed with the overall quality of the output.

The camera itself is really great to use... Planning to add the grip and a few "L" lenses.

Johnny Rasmussen27-Dec-2008 13:59
"Are shots at say ISO 6400 in poor light printable"?

That depends on the size of the print, you preferenses for image quality, and to some degree your shooting technique. As mentioned below, if you use a positive exposure compensation and then pull it back during postprosessing you will reduce noise and improve tonality in both shadows and midtones.

When you have dialed inn a "perfect" exposure according to the histogram on your camera, then dial inn a +1/3 or +2/3 exposure compensation. Don´t worry about blowing the highlights, there is about 1EV available headroom for highlights in RAW files. Pull back the exposure slider -1/3 or -2/3 during postprosessing. You will see that the tonality improves and the noise will be hidden.

This is a technique you can use at every iso setting. Will ISO 6400 give you a good print? I don´t know, because the size of the print and your preferences for image quality are variables only you know.
Johnny Rasmussen27-Dec-2008 13:44
"Are shots at say ISO 6400 in poor light printable"?

That depends on the size of the print, you preferenses for image quality, and to some degree your shooting technique. As mentioned below, if you use a positive exposure compensation and then pull it back during postprosessing you will reduce noise and improve tonality in both shadows and midtones.

When you have dialed inn a "perfect" exposure according to the histogram on your camera, then dial inn a +1/3 or +2/3 exposure compensation. Don´t worry about blowing the highlights, there is about 1EV available headroom for highlights in RAW files. Pull back the exposure slider -1/3 or -2/3 during postprosessing. You will see that the tonality improves and the noise will be hidden.

This is a technique you can use at every iso setting. Will ISO 6400 give you a good print? I don´t know, because the size of the print and your preferences for image quality are variables only you know.
Guest 26-Dec-2008 17:58
@ Johnny Rasmussen :
"fine for web" is maybe true, but that's not what i'm aiming for... Are shots at say ISO 6400 in poor light printable.. If so, then it's a definite value for money.

Johnny Rasmussen12-Dec-2008 14:19
It has been a lot of talk about iso noise. I think the 50D is doing great at high iso values. Look at photos taken by pbaser Tornado Alley Most of them taken at max iso, 12800 and under poor lightning. They are fine for web. To further improve images taken at high iso settings dial in an overexposure (+1/3 or +2/3) and pull it back during postprosessing. It will help a lot to reduce the noise. Watch the histogram and "Shoot to the right", as they say.
Guest 02-Dec-2008 12:18
I read negative things on Dynamic range, and on "real usabillity" of high ISO's.
Anyone got any pointers? I currently use a 30D, and am going for either a 5D,-for the joy of fullframe- or the 50D (I'm afraid i'm gonna miss the cropfactor and the speed if i go for 5D FF....
Dilemma, dilemma...
Guest 25-Nov-2008 18:48
I shot this gallery - with my new 50D and 17-40 f4L.
I bought the 50D as a back-up camera for my 5D,however I am so impressed with it that it's become my principal camera now.
Guest 04-Nov-2008 02:47
I shoot alot of High School Sports and Activities , often in very low light conditions , I recently purchased the 50d and have been very impressed with the ability to shoot consistantly at 3200 and in some cases at 6400 ..I had been using a 5D and a 20D for my sports shots , the 20d is now in the drawer and I barely use the 5D you view some of the shots I am getting from this Camera on
Derek M John02-Nov-2008 15:17
Some reviews of the 50D have not been too impressed with it's high ISO performance compared with the Nikon D300/D90 which use a smaller MP count. What does the forum think?
Martin Lamoon29-Oct-2008 11:27
For all who have the 50D. Software release 1.0.3 is now available, details on dpreview or canon sites. solves err99 and other issues. More 50D photos added to my site recently. Have stopped using the Kit lens 18-200 in favour of my 24-105L & 70-300DO len's
ofer ashel18-Oct-2008 22:49
what a great camera, what sharpness
Barry S Moore02-Oct-2008 12:38
Works great. The live view is a little slow bit very precise and the exposure seems spot on. My samples are at
Guest 02-Oct-2008 02:39
2 picture with H1 and H2 iso can be found here
Martin Lamoon25-Sep-2008 10:09
CANON 50D just arrived, bought kit with 18-200IS from Camera World London, a few quick shots to ensure working can be seen on
Off to test, will publish this weekend!
Guest 22-Sep-2008 09:56
Looks like the camera I've been waiting for. Now it's just time to wait and see if it lives up to the hype. Wish Canon had sent a few actual production cameras out for review prior to release. Good news is I hear Oct. 6th they hit the shelves. As for movie mode, that's what p&s cameras are for.
Guest 22-Sep-2008 09:01
Hurrah for no movie mode! Spend the r&d budget on improving stills. Waiting for a good review, esp.. at high ISO readings. Has digic 4 improved the AF again as did digic 3?
Lou Giroud21-Sep-2008 14:33
Hands on preview and testshots of 50D and 5D MK2 are found on
H. P. Henriksen Starman20-Sep-2008 21:23
I was happy to see the announcement for the 50D, it was just the camera I was looking for. Short after came the announcement for the 5D mark II - will there be a significant different in quality between these to cameras? I can see more pixels and weather sealing, and of course the opportunity to take HD videos. Most of my lenses is for "C" sensor and I also had to consider that I had to invest i a few new lenses. (my camera today eos 400.
Barry S Moore10-Sep-2008 12:26
Everything looks great about this camera, but no movie mode....

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