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Carl and Racine Erland | all galleries >> Animals: Multiple Galleries >> Otter and Mink > Sea Otter
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05-SEP-2010 Carl Erland

Sea Otter

Southern Vancouver Island

An otter's quick movements can make it a little tricky to photograph them and keep everything in focus. Setting the speed of the camera in the upper ranges can help, the problem is you never seem to be able to figure out which direction they're headed in when they move. I've haven't been able to effectively use a tripod when shooting them, so hand held shots make it even more of a challenge! Sea Otter facts: Sea otters often float at the water's surface, lying on their backs in a posture of serene repose. They sleep this way, often gathered in groups. Otters sometimes float in forests of kelp, or giant seaweed, in which they entangle themselves to provide anchorage in the swirling sea. ~ National Geographic

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laine07-Sep-2010 22:34
Very beautiful animals...a great shot
lou_rozensteins07-Sep-2010 22:19
Very beautiful shot. The details are superb!
Bryan Murahashi07-Sep-2010 14:45
An excellent capture of this challenging subject.