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Carl and Racine Erland | all galleries >> Monthly Galleries Archive: January 2009 - December 2023 >> April 2010 > North Island Black Bear
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25-APR-2010 Carl Erland

North Island Black Bear

Northern Vancouver Island

Spring is here and the black bears are beginning to show up in their favourite haunts. I saw a few on a recent trip to the north end of the Island and this one was obliging enough to pose for me! Black Bear facts: A group of bears is sometimes called a sloth of bears after the Middle English slowthe, meaning slow. The term is inaccurate because bears are not slow, and few people use the term anymore.

To see more of our black bear images click HERE

Our newest Gallery: ‘Scavenger Hunt April 2010' is part of the PBase Monthly Challenge . Participants are challenged to find images that match a listing of interesting and challenging words. To visit it click HERE

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Kerry Tingley27-Apr-2010 14:04
A gorgeous capture!
borisalex27-Apr-2010 04:48
Wow...that is really a black "Teddy" bear! Terrific portrait! Even 400 mm is not far away from him, amazing how you did this! V.
lou_rozensteins27-Apr-2010 01:32
The details are great. Well done.
Frank Brault27-Apr-2010 01:14
More power to you for getting this marvelous photo.
Yvonne27-Apr-2010 00:15
Wow, that is such a spectacular close up & fabulous capture! v
Ed McConnell27-Apr-2010 00:14
well now, that's quite a portrait..I think even 400mm is too close..