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1960's Courtesy of Dick Besola

1960's - Crane Engineering, home of "Crane Cams", 21060 W. Dixie Highway, Dade County

21060 W. Dixie Highway, Dade County, Florida

Thank you to Dick Besola for sending this great old image of Crane Engineering. According to Dick, the original portion of the building was built in 1925 and was supposed to be the first machine shop south of Jacksonville at the time. Harvey Crane Sr. used to do Dick's machine shop work before Harvey Jr. started making the cams.

Harvey Jr. is on the left, his wife is 5th to the right, and Dick believes that Jim Carson (3rd from the right) and Perry Kime (on the right end) are on the right side in the dark uniforms. The others are identified by Al in his comments below (thanks Al!).

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Guest 24-Oct-2021 17:26
My father, Steve EDENS, worked at Crane Cams for 39 years….
Guest 24-Oct-2021 17:26
My father, Steve EDENS, worked at Crane Cams for 39 years….
Guest 18-Sep-2021 17:01
Does anybody remember Ron Ronald or Ronnie NickoLucci
Don Boyd19-Aug-2013 02:39
Ray, thank you for taking the time to post all those good names of the gents who worked there with you and the information on your 'Vette. I hope your old buddies contact you as a result of your post.

Terry Bocskey 02-Jun-2013 16:47
Here are some interesting facts about Crane Engineering aka Crane Cams. for the complete history on Harvey Crane. Cranes Cams is at 1640 Mason Ave., Daytona Beach, Fla, 32117. Phone 386-310-4875.
Don Boyd29-May-2013 13:35
Thomas, thank you for writing in with your memories and the information that you provided.

Thomas Blaine 28-May-2013 22:16
I raced Go-Karts in the early 60's at Palmetto Speedway, Broward Key Midget and in Hallandale, where Gene Crane lived. I was his paperboy for the Hollywood Sun Tattler and purchase my first go-kart from him. It was a Bug Wasp powered by a bored and stroked McCulloch 10 (MC-10). Crane Cams original shop shown here was located about 3/4 mile south of the Broward Dade County Line on the west side of the road.
Don Boyd24-Nov-2010 15:16
Al, thank you very much for identifying the folks in the photo despite the small size of it.

Al Zangenberg 24-Nov-2010 12:45
Left to right is:1) Harvey Crane Jr .2) Dave Smith 3) Bob Moore, 4) Harvey Crane Sr.(I think) 5) Mildred Crane, 6)??? 7) "Ed" 8) Gene Crane,9) Ronnie House
Mike Minisall is in the pic, & can't I.D., or recall the others. I believe this pic is around 1963, or earlier...
I worked here from March, 1964, to Jan. 1964, & again in April 1965, to January 1966. Hello U.S. Navy! Crane Cams relocated to Hallandale, FL, just off Hallandale Bch. Blvd. about 3/4 mile from the old Rt 9...soon to be I-95. in 1966. Then to Fentress Blvd. (across from Daytona Speedway), Daytona Bch, FL
Guest 26-Dec-2009 11:32
I remember going here with a friend in 1958 to purchase a pair of Crane prepared heads for a Ford flathead engine. The Crane treatment of these stock factory castings were that they were milled, flycut & domed.
Milled to increase compression
Flycut so valvelift would be safe with a bigger cam,
Domed to the pistons tops wouldn't hit the heads after the milling.
Harvey Crane Sr. was working away himself on a cam grinding machine when we came in and stopped to help us. We also bought a Crane Cam for that flathead.
Bobby Zlatkin
JSwift17-Mar-2009 22:18
RIP Crane Cams, they went out of business 2/09.