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21-MAY-1966 Courtesy of Robert M. Baker

1966 - page 1 of the Hollywood Speedway program

Hollywood, Florida

Thank you to Robert M. Baker for contributing this great old image. Robert's dad Ron Baker was a stock car racer back in the 1960's.

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Guest 28-May-2013 22:22
This article talks of Perry winning 6 straight. He is talking about Rod Perry who drove the "Black Bandit" in the supermodifieds. The Black Bandit was a '38 Crosley body and was the fastest SM at the Pembroke Rd speedway until later challenged by the "Blue 119"
Don Winchester 24-Jul-2012 15:08
Great piece of South Florida racing history! I think this was not long before the track closed. I ran my first race in a mini-stock on a Sunday afternoon at the track several months later and it was one of the last racing events held there.