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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area INDIVIDUALS and GROUPS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1954 - the childrens choir at St. Philips Episcopal Church in Coral Gables
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1954 Courtesy of Steve McDonald

1954 - the childrens choir at St. Philips Episcopal Church in Coral Gables

Coral Gables, Florida

Thank you to Steve McDonald for contributing this great old image.

Front row: Nancy Ihland, ?, Sylvia ?, Robie Lacy, Candle ?, ?, Liz Gessler, Nancy Shea and Joan Liggett.

Back Row: ?, Nancy Roberts, ?, ?, Nancy Jordan

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Carol Jo Robinson Pettit 23-Jul-2011 02:51
If you'd like to read more about St. Cecelia's Choir and life in Coral Gables in the 50s, check out my book at

"Lies of Mercy - Lies of Grace: Tales of a Pennsylvania Dutch Girl in MIAMI"

It's Ralphie from "Christmas Story" meets Scout from "To Kill a Mockingbird." enjoy!
Guest 11-Mar-2008 05:17
I'm thinking that, based on the ages of Lacy Robie and Nancy Ihland, this photo is actually earlier than 1954. Fr. John Shirley was the priest; he was a very stern man who did not allow the choir girls to wear any jewelry. We also were to wear either black or white shoes.
One day he tried to pull an earring off one girl while we were waiting to enter the church. However, she had just had her ears pierced, and her ear began bleeding. She cried and left the group. In all fairness, Fr. Shirley was extremely intelligent and had a subtle sense of humor. Carol Jo Robinson Pettit
aro 11-Mar-2008 04:36
The choir was St. Cecelia's Choir. I was in the choir at the time, but I am not pictured.
Other choir members were Iggy (Evelyn) Summerfield, Edna Summerfield, MaryEllen Shreeves. We had choir rehearsal on Thursday afternoons in the Old Parish Hall. Before practice we played in the park across the street, and after practice the "choir mothers" served punch and cookies. The choir mothers also helped us dress on Sunday mornings, upstairs in the old parish hall. They were in charge of washing and ironing our cottas and collars. Many, many fond memories. Carol Jo Robinson Pettit