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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area Tourist and Local ATTRACTIONS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1956 or 1957 - Dressel's Dairy Farm (Milam Dairy until 1941) on Milam Dairy Road west of MIA (see comments below)
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1956 or 1957 From a state archive of aerial photos

1956 or 1957 - Dressel's Dairy Farm (Milam Dairy until 1941) on Milam Dairy Road west of MIA (see comments below)

West of Miami Airport, Dade County, Florida

This is one of my favorite photos to add on this site because Dressel's Dairy Farm was a great place for people of all ages to visit with a great dairy bar open to the public, serving excellent ice cream in cones or sundaes along with great milk shakes and malts. They had tables and stools to sit on outside, a petting zoo with barnyard animals for the kids to pet and ponies to ride and kiddie rides including a train. I have very fond memories of going there numerous times on weekends with a special girl from Hialeah High throughout most of 1965 who I've never gotten over, and I'm sure others my age also have fond memories of going there with their dates.

The photo was taken over Miami International Airport and is looking west with the airport property at the bottom. On April 10, 2012, I added 5 ground-level photos of Dressel's Dairy to the Attractions gallery in the 1964 time frame that Nancy Joan Booth contributed. The gallery is located at - scroll down to the 1964 time frame.

And the below recollections are from the Golden Thoroughbreds Yahoo Group where Dee Dee Dressel Martin (Hialeah High Class of 1959) posted them in November 2006 in response to someone's question of

"What happened to the dairy?"

"Back in the late 50's the Miami Port Authority was looking to expand Miami International Airport. The original plan called for an expansion directly to the west between NW 25th Street and 36th Street up to the Palmetto Expressway. Basically the entire dairy site. It was going to be taken under eminent domain at minimum land values. Dad had a chance to sell at a better price to Embry Riddle. That deal allowed us to keep the existing business (with buildings) in operation with Riddle holding an option on that land until the Port Authority made a decision. As it turned out, the PA decided to expand to the south (where the current terminal and main landing strips are).

All the cows were moved to new land (and milking parlor) in Avon Park in the summer of 1958. This was a logistical nightmare since cows have to be milked twice a day. Every day about 50 cows would be milked in the evening, loaded up on trucks and taken to Avon Park where they were milked again the next morning. The new milking parlor was "state of the art", but of a completely new design with the workers standing in a "pit" between two rows of 8 or so cows which positioned the "business end" of the cow at a comfortable working height. It's now the common architecture for milking barns, but was a totally new concept then. Cows, being creatures of habit, had to adjust to the new way so the "new" cows were mixed in with cows that had become accustomed to the "new way" and followed the herd with minimum turmoil.

Funny story here... The Grahams were also building and moving their farm operation to Venus (Just down the road from Lake Placid) and were in friendly competition with Dad over who would get their new style barns built first and who would run the first "trial" batch of cows through their barn. Our barn was finished, but there was a problem with the water pumps. Didn't stop Dad. He ran cows through the barn and milked them, but the cows were nervous and dropping sh*t all over the place. No water to wash it all down so "us kids" spent the day scraping cow manure off all the lovely white tiles and shoveling it out the back! Oh yes, I remember it well!!! :-)

Anyway, the cows all got moved to Avon Park and the milk was shipped by truck back to the plant in Miami for processing and home delivery. When the final land deal closed with Embry Riddle, the milk was then shipped to the Dairy Co-Op in Broward County and thrown into the milk pool there and Dressel's Dairy's production ceased. Riddle went on to resell the land to developers and now it's all warehouses.

The farm operation continued as Dressel Brothers in Avon Park and was run by my brothers Ricky and Gary after Dad's death in '72. Ricky (HHS'58) was diagnosed with spinal cancer in '97 and could no longer work the business so it was sold shortly before he died in '99. It's still an operating dairy.

I find it ironic that Milam Dairy Road was never renamed "Dressel Dairy Road". (They did name the canal at 72nd Ave & 36th St. "Dressel Canal" and I occasionally read or hear on the news that "a body was discovered in Dressel Canal" so I guess that's some kind of infamy.) The Milams only owned the farm land for three years before Dad bought it and nobody remembers Milam Dairy.

It was such a great "tradition" in Miami. Sunday free pony rides and ice cream at Dressel's Dairy. I've traveled and moved to many locations and run into people who grew up in Miami with those
memories. I think every kid that grew up in Miami during the 50's had a field trip to the dairy at some point in elementary school. "Best ice cream I EVER had," is still the mantra of those who remember.

I feel privileged to have been a part of it. Working summers in the plant making and packaging ice cream and working weekends in either the pony ring or behind the dairy bar. I never did master filling those 5¢ cups of ice cream you used to get at school. Getting stuck in the freezer for 15 or 20 minutes wearing only shorts, tank top and sandals. Falling head first into the freezers in the dairy bar (when dipping up cones) at the end of a busy Sunday when the spillage on the floor was so slippery. "Buggering Cows" (getting them in from the pasture to the feeding lot) before cleaning up and catching the school bus at 6:00 AM. Being the first girl to raise a calf as a 4-H project
(only boys were allowed to have animal projects at the time, but Dad was our club sponsor and listed me on the entry forms by first initials so the powers that be wouldn't know it was a "girl" - my Dad was so ahead of his time!). Taking my cow down to a Rotary meeting at the Top of the Columbus (Hotel) restaurant for June is Dairy Month. (I remember the stares and when we got Rosebud into the elevator, Dad pushed all the buttons and we stopped on every floor. Gasps from the hotel guests and maids!!). Then Dad held a milking contest between the mayor of Miami and the County Sheriff. They had a hard time filling up one of those 1/2 pint glass bottles that were used in school cafeterias before the advent of waxed cartons. (Those little glass bottles made great b.b. gun targets when set up on a fence post.) Talk about some great memories!"

Dee Dee Dressel Martin

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David 24-Aug-2024 14:50
We used to watch the planes come right in over us to land .. then to Dressels Dairy for the best ice cream .. those certainly were the days
Guest 07-Apr-2024 19:16
Dee Dee,
My brothers and I grew up in Miami Springs in the 1950s and our parents would take us to your family's farm for ice cream which was a "big treat" at the time. Also you and I went to Hialeah High School together. Thanks for posting this most enjoyable information.
Jerry Sullivan
Guest 06-Apr-2023 14:01
I grew up in Virginia Gardens on NW 58th Place. We moved to SW Miami/Dade Co. ca. 1963 when I was 10 but we had many fantastic Sunday afternoons at the Dressel's Dairy (formerly Milam Dairy where the road's name came from) which was only a short drive away. Of all my childhood memories, the train rides and ice cream are indelibly sketched. I just turned 70!
Thanks for the memories, Dee!
Sam Hamory 23-Mar-2022 15:28
Visited here with family for years just for the ice cream!
Kristi (Poole) Padgett 01-Aug-2021 01:35
I remember going to the dairy on Sundays for ice cream and pony rides when I was in elementary school in Hialeah. I graduated from Hialeah High School in 1964. I never knew what became of the cows and the Dressels. By any chance, is Caeleb Dressel, the Olympic swimmer, related to this family?
Dee 21-Feb-2021 19:47
I moved from New England to the Tampa area over 20 years ago and enjoy learning the history of people in Florida. Someone recently gave me a Dressel's Dairy Farm quart bottle. I'm glad to have read the history of it; I will print it out and insert in the bottle! Thank you!
Maria Calzadilla 07-Apr-2020 19:02
I still remember my parents taking us to your farm during the early sixties to ride the little train and the ponies! The ice-cream was delicious. So many kids and families having a wonderful time. Nice clean fun. It was so special to us. We had arrived from Cuba in 1958, and we were adapting to the American way of life that my parents loved. Those were my happiest moments. Thank you.
Guest 06-Aug-2019 18:33
what a great article i loved that place every sunday after church THANK YOU DEE DEE
Guest 06-Apr-2017 02:12
I use to love Sunday's at Dressel's riding the train and smelling all those cow's. The best ice cream i have ever eaten. Good Family time together..THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES
Virginia Greene 10-May-2016 16:06
I just left a message but did not finish my email address,
Virginia Greene 10-May-2016 16:05
Do you remember the Circle N ranch not too far from Dressels Dairly? It was owned or managed by the Rutherford family I believe. I know for a fact the Rutherford's had horses stabled there. My name is Virginia and I was a teenager at this time.
Carolyn Layton Hufty 31-Jul-2012 21:10
Thank you Don. This brought many memories of great ice cream, horses and friends. I showed horses with Ricky Dressel(the son of one of the brothers that owned the dairy) and kept my horse down the road at "Greenwood Acres". Ricky was a life long friend and we kept in touch until his passing some years ago. We often spoke of all the fun we had out there in the swamp riding horses and having horse shows at Greenwood Acres. Carolyn Layton Hufty
eddy 08-Jun-2012 23:40
Wish it still was agri. land.not much left of miami's past.I remember my dad hitting a deer after crossing the wooden bridge,which creeked so much i swore it would collapse but it never did,the deer fell down stood back up shuck it off an ran off.
Don Boyd04-Jun-2012 14:59
Thank you for posting, Eddy. I never knew about the New Palm Dairy or that your dad worked there and you lived there. Can you imagine how much all that dairy land would be worth today if it had remained agricultural?

eddy 04-Jun-2012 02:30
To also add their was another dairy farm at 87ave and after nw 25st cross over 1car wooden bridge. it was called New Palm Dairy we lived there in the early 70's, my dad was one of the dairy foremans. my dad told me the farm he worked at was indep. from the dressel's. bringing back great flashbacks of my old miami.
Don Boyd11-Apr-2012 17:43
Guest, you are looking at the old Milam Dairy. Richard and Jerry Dressel purchased the Milam Dairy from R. A. Milam in 1941 and changed the name of the dairy to Dressel's Dairy after the purchase. I didn't know that until I read a 1962 Miami News article about the Dressels selling out to McArthur Dairy - the article is in the 1960's Gallery on my site and the direct link is:

Guest 13-Jan-2012 11:28
Was there ever actually a Milam Dairy? I would imagine there had to be one at some point in Miami's history, no?

If so, does anyone know where was it located? I'd guess somewhere along Milam Dairy Road. I'd love to see a picture of it.
Don Boyd26-Oct-2009 04:28
Rosemary Skipper Harris, Hialeah High Class of 1960, left these comments in the Golden Thoroughbreds Yahoo Group about Dressel's and she gave me permission to repost them here:


"My very first job was at Dressel's Dairy, making milkshakes and dipping ice cream cones. Earned a fair amount of money at that place and absolutely loved it!!!

We lived just down the road, within walking distance of the dairy. It was on Milam Dairy Road....out in the country, cow pastures all along one side of the road! One night, a bunch of us kids (mainly girls) discovered a whole bunch of cows had gotten loose and were in the middle of the road!!! We called the dairy, but in the meantime....good samaritans that we were....we decided to round up the cows for the dairy and keep them safe!!!

NOT!!!!!!! Those cows proceeded to turn on us and chase us down that road!!!!! I have never been so scared or run so fast in my life!!!!! Got in my girlfriend's door, just as one of those cows followed me right up the steps!!!!!! Up close and personal, those are really big animals!!!! LOLOL That ended my cowgirl days forever! LOL

But, oh my, what special memories this has brought back."

Rosemary Skipper Harris, Hialeah High Class of 1960
now in MN
Ben Godwin 31-Aug-2009 07:06
This is GREAT. My Dad was a grocer in SW Miami who purchased most of his dairy products from Mt Dressel. Sometimes the family would drive out to the dairy farm and have super ice cream treats, ride the ponies in the corral and watch them milk the dairy cows. Thanks for rekindling the memories
Randy Burns 27-Nov-2007 01:45
I remember the coo coo, the cows, and the ice cream