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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> DOWNTOWN Miami, Bayfront Park and Port of Miami Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1920 - East end of County Causeway at south Miami Beach
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1920 Florida State Archives

1920 - East end of County Causeway at south Miami Beach

Miami Beach, Florida

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Marty Lann 27-Jan-2014 21:14
It was on Michigan avenue between 10th and 11th Street very close to The entrance to Flaming Park and near memorial field. I lived at 1018 Meridian avenue in the early 50's and climbed the rusty ladder with some of my buddies Skip Bertman, Stanley Weiss and some others I don't remember

Marty Lann
John 12-Jun-2010 19:28
I believe it was a water tower. I lived there in the 50s and used to pass it going to flamingo park. It used to be green in color and I believe it has some cement as part of its structure. I was very young and that is all I remember.

Guest 16-Oct-2008 18:27
does anyone know what that "tower" is in the upper left corner of the picture? Judging by the street layout, it appears as though it would be around 10th or 11th street.