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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> DOWNTOWN Miami, Bayfront Park and Port of Miami Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1975 - the Federal Building at 51 SW 1st Avenue in downtown Miami
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SEP-1975 ©1961 Don Boyd

1975 - the Federal Building at 51 SW 1st Avenue in downtown Miami

Downtown Miami, Florida

I performed some active duty with the Coast Guard in this building when the Coast Guard's Seventh District Office was located there. The Coast Guard later moved to the Brickell Plaza Federal Building at 909 SE 1st Avenue in the early 90s as I recall.

The architects and engineers for the GSA 1961 Federal Building project were Steward-Skinner Associates and Charles Giller Associates. The building was completed in 1964 and renamed the Claude Pepper Federal Building after our long-time U. S. congressman.

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Guest 10-Jul-2021 20:56
And the earlier, near legendary FCC EIC Art Gilbert.
erick d 09-Jun-2019 02:35
This is a very beautiful, Cold-War-Era building that combines rigidity and dignity at the same time! I live in Western Washington, yet, I am no-less familiar with some of the modernist buildings that existed in my area as well as out of state. This building used to house the Immigration Service, right? How come it moved to the other building at Biscayne Blvd?
Pam Alonso 28-Jan-2009 16:36
To Sofia,

If you read this, I would like to hear from you. I am Pam Gassen Alonso. My dad was Judge Gassen. Do you remember his secretary Rochelle? I remember a clerk named Rosemary who I believe is a Judge now. I am currently living in Tallahassee. My e-mail is
John 13-Jan-2008 02:15
My Dad's (Cdr, USCG Ret) second career led him to the Federal Building as the Safety Engr for the 7th USCG District around 65-85 timeframe. I spent a few times visiting him at work while growing up. I remember a blind African American gentleman who operated a small closet-sized newspaper stand on one of the floors. We used to always visit him. He was a great man.
Ray 11-Oct-2007 02:36
I remember sitting for my first FCC test in this building. Other radio people may remember the FCC Engineer in Charge at the time was Jack May. Later, in his retirement, we were both in the same ham radio club. Also, you maybe remember the woman with the big bee hive hairdo. She administered the tests and somehow made the stress level even higher as she failed people without a hint of emotion.
Sofia Borges-Chediak 02-Jul-2007 13:08
I used to work as a court reporter for the Bankruptcy Court on the 14th Floor of this building from 1983 to 1985. The first judge I worked with was Judge Joseph Gassen and then Judge A. J. Crystol, both very sweet, good gentlemen. I recall the Coast Guard's presence very well.