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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> 1950 to 1959 Miami Area Historical Photos Gallery - click on image to view > 1950's - Honey Hill Pharmacy at NW 2nd Avenue (State Road 7 and US 441) and Honey Hill Road (NW 199th Street)
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Late 1950's Courtesy of Stan Meade / Photo by Ernie W. Skog

1950's - Honey Hill Pharmacy at NW 2nd Avenue (State Road 7 and US 441) and Honey Hill Road (NW 199th Street)

NW corner of NW 199th Street and NW 2nd Avenue (SR 7 and US 441) view map

Thank you to Stan Meade for contributing this great old image and to Jeff Levine for providing the exact location on Honey Hill Road (NW 199th Street) in Dade County. The name of the business is not listed in a 1956 telephone directory (thank you Ellie Wheeler for looking!).

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Don Boyd31-Mar-2015 07:32
Jeff, thank you for the history of the prints and your assistance in providing locations for various photos.

Gene, thank you for your comments. I've added NW 2nd Avenue to the description which I should have done in the beginning.

Gene 31-Mar-2015 04:59
Don--I bought my 'dream house' December, 1957, right down this street. 420 N W 199th Street.
'441' was also called northwest 2nd Avenue---
Jeff 13-Mar-2014 22:43
Yes, this was the NW corner of NW 199th Street and 441.

In later years this building was a Sub Center location. The photo was taken by the late Ernie Skog and was a print that I had made out of my personal photo negative collection (which is now part of the Seth and Myrna Bramson Collection).

A number of years ago, I gave a stack of prints to my buddy Darion Avery (of Avery Glass; now retired and living in North Carolina).

He lent the prints to a customer who "wanted to show them to someone" and that was the last that he saw of them.

Some time after that, Stan Meade found them for sale at a flea market, so (at least) they ended up in good hands.

All of the Stan Meade supplied prints on this site were taken by Ernie Skog, unless I've noted them as a work of the late Robert L. Kelley or otherwise.
Don Boyd15-Oct-2013 06:54
Thank you guest. What I'm looking for is the north-south avenue that intersects with Honeyhill Road or Drive which runs east-west just south of the county border. As I stated, I suspect that it was in the northeast section and not the northwest section because the northeast section was more developed at the time of the photo. Honeyhill Road still exists on street signs and on maps.

Guest 14-Oct-2013 23:08
Honey Hill Drive was also the name of 199th street back in the 1960s (and prior). There was a barber shop, a carpet store, various other stores, a Li'l General convenience store. Perhaps this was in that shopping area?