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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> 1950 to 1959 Miami Area Historical Photos Gallery - click on image to view > 1950's - Imperial Lanes, a relatively new bowling alley on West Dixie Highway in north Dade County
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1950's Courtesy of Stan Meade

1950's - Imperial Lanes, a relatively new bowling alley on West Dixie Highway in north Dade County

West Dixie Highway, Dade County, Florida

Thank you to Stan Meade for contributing this great old image. Thanks to Wally for identifying the name of the bowling alley.

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Guest 26-Dec-2023 14:37
My parents managed the restaurant when it first opened. Would love to see any other pictures of interior. Thank you
Jeff 23-May-2015 02:10
I was just informed that Jack Knapp (the former owner of the bowling alley) died today at the age of 93.
Mark 07-Feb-2015 04:49
My first bowling league was at this bowling alley in 1975. It was called Fair Lanes then.
Don Boyd30-May-2013 15:38
Thank you Guest, Ben A, Wally Roberts and Jeff for adding additional information about the photo.

Guest 30-May-2013 13:33
The gas company was: Peoples Gas".
Ben A 20-Oct-2012 07:32
It was renamed West Dixie Lanes when I was a kid and bowled there in a tournament in 1988. The bowling alley closed in the 1990s and I believe the building itself still stands but was bought by Florida Power and Light in the 1990s and turned into offices. The last time I saw it was in 2000, not sure what it is now or if the building still stands.
Wally Roberts 27-Mar-2010 03:46
It was called Imperial Lanes I Bowled there all the time the building in the upper left hand corner was Garys marine service and just beyond the small tank on 159th st (mid right hand side) was the North Miami Beach American Leigon. Just south of the Bowling alley was the corner of 163rd st and Dixie Hwy where the old Ed Morse ford was. I lived at 169th terr and dixie. From 1958 to 1980
Jeff 20-Oct-2009 13:35
Interama Bowl... [also known as Pinerama Bowl and West Dixie Lanes] was built and owned by Jack Knapp. Knapp built a theater behind the bowling alley in the 1970's.

Photographed by the late Ernie W. Skog... Photo from the Seth and Myrna Bramson Collection...originally owned by me.