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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> DOWNTOWN Miami, Bayfront Park and Port of Miami Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1908 - looking east on 12th Street (now Flagler Street) at Avenue D (now Miami Avenue) in downtown Miami - left half of image
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1908 Library of Congress / Shorpy's

1908 - looking east on 12th Street (now Flagler Street) at Avenue D (now Miami Avenue) in downtown Miami - left half of image

Downtown Miami, Florida

The lions on the left guarded the Bank of Bay Biscayne which stood on the northwest corner of what is now Miami Avenue and W. Flagler Street. The Halcyon Hotel was at East Flagler and 2nd Avenue (then 12th Street and Avenue "B") and had distinctive turrets and can be seen on the left side further down the street.

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Don Boyd18-Sep-2013 04:53
Thank you for providing the additional information on the Halycon Hotel's site.

Guest 18-Sep-2013 03:07
The Halcyon Hotel is where the Alfred I Dupont stands today which was built in 1939
Guest 29-Mar-2011 15:45
it was a one-car town back then. Many horses, one car!
Don Boyd07-Feb-2011 01:57
Thank you for the correction. It's fixed.

Guest 06-Feb-2011 22:47
It was the Halcyon hotel.