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26-JAN-2008 Barbara Heide

La Seine


FujiFilm FinePix S9000 Zoom
1/340s f/3.9 at 29.0mm iso200 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time26-Jan-2008 17:25:07
ModelFinePix S9500
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length29 mm
Exposure Time1/340 sec
ISO Equivalent200
Exposure Bias
White Balance
Metering Modemulti spot (3)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 23-Sep-2008 12:13
What a capture, superb composition.
globalgadabout06-Jul-2008 01:19
stunning...what framing and timing...a mono masterpiece...V
Guest 03-Jul-2008 15:48
Excellent Comp & Tones......Great Image!! ~V~
Raphael_E25-Jun-2008 16:47
Superbe image, Barbara !!! V.
Photo Club Pavillonnais25-Jun-2008 11:36
Wow quel cadrage !! Une image graphique, un N&B qui sied à merveille ;-)!!
Gerhard Ritsema24-Jun-2008 20:29
Very nice picture.! I like the vertical line of the ship and the horizontal line of the bridge. It seems the people on the bridge have come to look what was in the ship because of the open deck! It is a dutch ship.
Eric Herbelin24-Jun-2008 16:16
joli! v
Guy Dube08-Feb-2008 04:14
Ca c'est le genre de photo que j'adore, avec ces peniches se deplacan sur la Seine. Si un jour je vais a Paris, je vais "coller" sur le bord de ce fleuve pres du Quai Voltaire. V
Photo Club Pavillonnais04-Feb-2008 23:34
Superbe composition ... le traitement N et B sonne bien
Guest 02-Feb-2008 10:44
Lovely. All that movement in water. zm
Johnny JAG01-Feb-2008 14:23
I like them both!
Inga Morozoff01-Feb-2008 13:36
January Grey01-Feb-2008 05:09
Excellent composition, Barbara. Great POV and lovely in B&W. V~
Dan Chusid01-Feb-2008 02:34
Darn...missed my boat again!
Yvonne01-Feb-2008 02:22
Beautiful shot, plenty of movement there!
Coleen Perilloux Landry01-Feb-2008 01:52
Very well seen.
Guest 01-Feb-2008 00:49
You have captured simultaneous movement here horizontally, vertically and on two diagonals! Well done! ~V~
Greg Christie01-Feb-2008 00:46
Certainly movement but the entire image is is a great capture. Superb in black and white.
mathilda williams01-Feb-2008 00:21
very beautiful and artistic!
Guest 31-Jan-2008 20:58
I love this - bridges and boats always make for a great shot!
Phillip Normanton31-Jan-2008 20:52
Nice one - everything's moving!
Knox O31-Jan-2008 20:15
a wonderful shot!
Sam Stevenson31-Jan-2008 19:51
Excellent shot - I see this as slow-but-steady movement. :-)
Al Chesworth31-Jan-2008 18:30
Really good entry.
Nancy Lobaugh31-Jan-2008 17:34
nice in BW- gives it a timeless feeling- like the city
David Clunas31-Jan-2008 17:02
Nice comp, like the b&w conversion as well
Jola Dziubinska31-Jan-2008 15:23
I like it in b&w.
Zak31-Jan-2008 14:25
Great shot!
laine8231-Jan-2008 14:00
Nice slow movement gives time to enjoy the view :>)
BleuEvanescence31-Jan-2008 13:37
Et le Pont des Aaaarts en prime...
Jonathan Popp31-Jan-2008 13:37
Lots of movement, the wakes of the ship are great. Well captured!
Dick Lowthian31-Jan-2008 13:29
Excellent shot and it looks great in B&W.
Guest 31-Jan-2008 13:18
The double wake from this boat says movement very well
Guest 31-Jan-2008 12:53
Excellent composition and works so well in monochrome!:>)
Jean-Paul PLUME31-Jan-2008 11:53
Ann...31-Jan-2008 11:36
Excellent - lots of movement!!
Máire Uí Mhaicín31-Jan-2008 10:55
A lovely idea, Barbara. Well done.
Ilana gil31-Jan-2008 10:48
Love the movement here...great catch!
Guest 31-Jan-2008 09:54
love the compo, a lot is moving, great shot.
Heidi Jonker31-Jan-2008 09:47
Very classic B&W! Beautiful.
beverley harrison31-Jan-2008 08:40
beautiful b&w tones!
Norbert Fortelny31-Jan-2008 07:32
Nice, very beautiful and on topic!
Dave Hein31-Jan-2008 07:28
Very nice. And by the background you weren't the only one enjoying the view!
regi olbrechts31-Jan-2008 07:06
WOW. Superb compo with amazing FOD Barbara. Well well done.
Maaike Huizer31-Jan-2008 06:53
A classic! Beautiful entry.
Barry S Moore31-Jan-2008 06:43
Very nice work. Wave look great from this vantage point
carolynne_w31-Jan-2008 06:07
Nice composition and detail of the water movement.
Sheila31-Jan-2008 05:51
Definitely moving along. Very nice capture.
Guest 31-Jan-2008 05:45
Guest 31-Jan-2008 04:47
Wonderful ripples. Well caught.
Ray Rebortira31-Jan-2008 04:43
The pattern created on the water by the moving barge echoes the arches of the bridge. That makes the shot so brilliant. Bravo!!!
Peter Zetner31-Jan-2008 04:04
Beautiful photo, Barbara! V.
Patricia Lay-Dorsey31-Jan-2008 03:52
Everything's moving except you! The water, the barge, the people on the bridge. Well seen & captured!
Greg Harp31-Jan-2008 03:14
Beautiful capture.
carol j. phipps31-Jan-2008 02:29
Excellent in b/w! Vote
Guest 31-Jan-2008 01:42
Beautiful image! Wonderfully composed.
Josée V.31-Jan-2008 01:24
Marvelous capture. V
Cindi Smith31-Jan-2008 01:22
A lot of movement everywhere! Well done!
Guest 31-Jan-2008 01:10
Nice capture!
Martha Albuquerque31-Jan-2008 01:04
beautiful view and mood, love it in bw. v
J. Scott Coile31-Jan-2008 01:00
Chugging along. Movement, YES!
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