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FujiFilm FinePix S9000 Zoom Digital Camera Sample Photos

Also known as FujiFilm FinePix S9500 Zoom
g4/87/331787/3/61818768.0lNFNlyk.jpgg4/87/331787/3/61818770.iECURDWm.jpgg4/87/331787/3/61818772.pYeWlSVR.jpgo4/87/331787/1/55342144.S9000_top_lg.jpgmore photos
Marketed: 28-Jul-2005
Megapixels: 9.1
Random FujiFilm FinePix S9000 Zoom Samples from 29160 available Photos more
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Guest 16-Nov-2011 03:56
got this camera at Xmas 2005

for the price, i should have bought a DSLR for a little more

images are soft and show quite a lot of noise (need lots of PP) and its terribly slow

its easy to use, has lots of features and very good on batteries as its good points
DeMorcan05-May-2009 04:35
I lost mine in a fire last fall. And have not found anything I liked as much as this camera.
Logan08-Feb-2008 09:12
I picked up one of these about a year ago to help introduce myself to photography, its great for outdoors / landscapes etc. I might move to something like the Nikon D80 one day but this one will keep me going awhile yet!
Guest 24-Jan-2008 23:04
I bought the s9600 just before Xmas 2007 and although I'm happy with it, you do have to 'work' to get good shots (and I struggle with portraits). It's definitely a good bet if you don't want to invest in a dslr and the hassle of carrying lenses around with you. See here for the type of pics - the earlier ones taken with the s602z
Jason Ankers06-Feb-2007 12:25
Bought this camera the first shopping day in Jan 07 and I have to say I love it. Thought this camera would help build my skills up until the move towards a DSLR. However the move may be extended because to my joy this is probably the closest thing to a DSLR without being a DSLR. Check out the quality of this camera.
Guest 06-Jan-2007 20:52
I have the S9500 and a S7000, but does anyone agree that the S7000 is the better of the two..

Still an excellent camera as my photos show..
Guest 12-Dec-2006 22:18
For fuji-9500-s...surprize wow """+++
Guest 12-Dec-2006 22:11
Yess for ...9500-s(..
Guest 23-Nov-2006 01:12
Had a Fuji S9500 for about 6 months and then sold it in favour of the Canon 350D! a true budget DSLR! The S9500 is great as a bridge camera to fill the gap between compact and true DSLR. If you are looking for something more creative than a compact then this is for you. Flaws of the S9500 include internal monitor (live view) which is hard to focus compared to a true optical view throught the lens. Also short battery life, severe barrel distortion at 18mm leading to soft focus at the 300mm end! Overall a good camera for your money but if you are looking to get into real photography get yourself a Canon D400 for just a bit more. Youll be glad you did!
Guest 21-Nov-2006 13:56
Hi im a pro photographer! it's different to what i would use for my normal work, but this is ideal when i go mountain climbing and hill walking very usefull for genral photography and landscapes, because of the usefull wide angel lense it has. also ideal on a tripod and at low ISO.....Fuji s9500 ZOOM
Guest 28-Jun-2006 16:00
Fuji 9000 and 5600 is good for landscapes, but forget about portraits! even 100 euro digital camaras are better...
Guest 08-Jun-2006 19:19
The best for you class-Fuji-9000s
Guest 08-Jun-2006 19:14 >>>PHoTo-B.G.-E.U.Yess good Fuji-9000s the best lital class
Guest 28-May-2006 16:13
It's an excellent camera for the price. At low ISO the quality is excellent. I usually take it with me when I go hiking, and a DSLR would be too heavy to carry.
However, the noise gets really bad when it gets up to ISO800. The flash is also very weak. So it is not very suitable for indoor or sports photos, as it doesn't have image stablising.
With adequate light, or a tripod, I don't think you can get a better camera than this for this little money.
Guest 11-May-2006 22:33
I'm happy with the S9000. I did my homework previous to buying it so I knew what I was getting. The camera is well made and feels great in my hands. Image quality is really good. I will be using this camera for both business and personal use. The only reason that I did not give it 5 stars is due to the lack of true image stabilization. That feature would have made a good camera a great camera. Overall I am very satified with the camera. I am not getting technical in my comments due to limited space. There are several web-sites that have done in depth reviews and I recommend that you check them out.

More information about Fuji Finepix S9000

Guest 10-May-2006 01:01
Guest 03-Apr-2006 09:11
I take a photograph of the beach in the Black Sea and the town during the night in BulGaria.Varna. Ihope that this Pictures are well Liked.:)
Guest 05-Mar-2006 08:15
I bought this camera 6 weeks ago and loved it..See some samples at
Guest 14-Dec-2005 12:31
Great camera. Fast, responsive, great image quality :)
Lisa12-Nov-2005 22:00
I bought this camera about 8 weeks ago, and I'm in love!
It's so easy to work with and produces some amazing shots.
(See my Pbase for example)
~ Lisa x
Guest 08-Oct-2005 10:04
Excellent device!
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