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Barbara Heide | all galleries >> MAIN GALLERY >> Archives 2006-2009 >> Most Populars 2006-2008 > brave cat on a wobbely bench
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brave cat on a wobbely bench


The full bench story:
aah, here it is !

Konica-Minolta DiMAGE Z10
1/200s f/3.2 at 8.4mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
GeneWard12-Nov-2009 00:06
wonderful! He looks so uncomfortable. V
Evaristo Buendia Carrera10-Sep-2008 03:00
Beautiful and eternal image! First award. V
Bartosz Kotulski17-Jun-2008 12:11
wonderful capture. well done
Pawel Kazmierczyk02-May-2008 12:44
can't help smiling here. Well done, v
pep09-Apr-2008 11:44
Wobbly bank, perfect balance between cat and bucket. V
Antonio Ruggiero19-Mar-2008 20:49
Excellent photo.....Brava....V
Raúl Semoloni14-Oct-2007 15:10
JeJeJe This Capture and title are Fabulous!! V.O.T.E.
Apostolos Tikopoulos03-Oct-2007 19:56
Excellent catch. Very nice. V.
Guest 20-Sep-2007 15:47
Ha! This is great. Makes me happy. :) Great capture Barbara!
François Hamon16-Sep-2007 18:13
Magnifique... Qui aime les chats aimera cette image !
Bill Miller08-Sep-2007 15:59
I haven't come across your work before, but I am glad that I have found your galleries. Wonderful work and much to inspire. This picture is so lovely :)
Pedro Libório15-Aug-2007 19:22
wonderful moment!
Yiannis Pavlis16-Mar-2007 13:00
Excellent clarity. Lighting and color are beautiful.
regi olbrechts27-Feb-2007 11:51
maar ook een goed foto!! (was het bijna vergeten!)
regi olbrechts27-Feb-2007 11:50
zeer geestig...
Enrico Martinuzzi13-Feb-2007 13:24
Excellent!!! GMV
Jack Bieser23-Jan-2007 21:01
Good Photographer! Nice texture,anxiety and Nice Shot!
Thierry Lucas15-Jan-2007 12:29
Très jolie composition, Barbara.
Craig Sadler13-Jan-2007 18:16
Brilliant shot!! Love it! Well Done
Craig V
j>a>e>17 :):):)13-Jan-2007 04:10
perrrrrrrfect fluffy bench
whimsical cool cat tunes shared
wandering with joy

"17" sweet songs of life, John :):):)
Petros Labrakos19-Dec-2006 09:29
outstanding bench
well composed
and rendered
northstar3710-Dec-2006 11:58
careful now!
fotabug10-Dec-2006 03:05
Love it. Cats can be so independent. :)
Rene Hales07-Dec-2006 01:49
Well seen; well shot.--Rene
Mindy McNaugher06-Dec-2006 17:09
Excellent shot! Fabulous capture, comp, textures and tones! Love it! Vote!
Guest 06-Dec-2006 14:58
fred_il04-Dec-2006 14:23
Bravo! elle est geniale! la posture du chat retablissant l'equilibre est hilarante!
Paradoxal Studio Classic04-Dec-2006 12:01
Du grand Art encore une fois.
Eric Carrère04-Dec-2006 07:03
Quel équilibriste ! Bonne fête à toi miss :o)
Guest 04-Dec-2006 05:17
Excellent! Meme la posture du chat est perilleuse. Je vote.
Sheila04-Dec-2006 01:12
Love this shot!
marie-jose wolff03-Dec-2006 22:20
pas à l'aise, le pauvre, sur ce banc bancal...
EMangl03-Dec-2006 22:18
the fat cat ruined the bench
Guenter Eh03-Dec-2006 22:16
Vom Feinsten...und die schiefe Bank - herrlich!
olivier bruning03-Dec-2006 22:13
great picture barbara! love the comp and duotone...and of course the cat! vote
Adalberto Tiburzi03-Dec-2006 22:13
This deserves a standing ovation...
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