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Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography | all galleries >> Galleries >> most popular photography > the passage
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the passage


The passage between 2 medieval home:Johnny and Margaret .

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Mieke WA Minkjan12-Jan-2011 07:28
a beautiful and intriguing shot V
LynnH11-Jan-2011 15:43
Like film noire. V
J. Scott Coile11-Jan-2011 05:24
Nice bit of mystery.
Cindi Smith11-Jan-2011 03:48
Beautiful work. LOve the light and the composition. Matylda, this is wonderful! V
Bill Ewart Jr10-Jan-2011 22:48
Warm lights inside!!!!!!!!
Marielou Dhumez10-Jan-2011 18:00
Intriguing and mysterious night shot ! quite beautiful !
Coleen Perilloux Landry10-Jan-2011 16:14
Beautifully done.
Dennis Warren10-Jan-2011 11:25
You have a cover shot for a mystery novel. Dark and mysterius looking.
Janice Dunn10-Jan-2011 09:32
The passage looks very secretive and dark - good moody feel