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All Cameras >> Nikon >> Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR Micro

Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR Micro Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 01-Feb-2006
Lens Mount: AF-S
Lens: 105mm f/2.8
Random Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR Micro Samples from 26898 available Photos more
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Jim's Atavistic Visions26-May-2010 03:54
Has to be one of my favorite lenses now for portraits. I am using the FX format now and it is perfect for me.
norbi30-Nov-2008 13:59
This is one of my favourite lenses with wide spread possibilities of using. For me this is besides the 70-200 one of the best nikkors. Rgds norbi
Guest 08-Oct-2008 04:40
this is the cheapest pro Nikkor (golden ring), awesome glass
Guest 04-Mar-2008 04:11
Great lens for macro with very nice bokeh. Though I find it a little too short for flying insects.
Guest 03-Nov-2007 13:38
this is mey best lens i ever tried
bought just today and exactly i called it
"love at first sight" ;)
Pablo Yáñez07-Aug-2007 03:11
A supremly well built lens and in my opinion much sharper than the versions of the Nikkor 60mm f2.8 that I tried. The VR is very useful for portraits and other shots at a distance, but not really for macro work.

I would put it on par with some of my other favorite Macro lenses such as the Sigma 150mm and Canon 100mm (I know I know - but there might be some smart folks here interested in Macro lenses in general aside from which body you put them on). My favorite is still however the Canon 60mm - which is 1/2 the size, weight and cost of this lens and can be used with the onboard flash at 1:1.

Sample image:

A few more scattered in:
Guest 25-Jul-2006 16:22
Pros: Excellent image quality, excellent build, excellent VR implementation
Cons: pricey, shortens focal length when focusing close, max aperture goes down to f/4.8 at closest focusing distance

Impressively, the Nikon 105/2.8 VR shows center and corner sharpness through the entire aperture range. The sweet spot is said to be between f/5.6 to f/11, but inspecting 100% crops did not reveal much loss of sharpness at the larger apertures. This probably has a good deal to do with the ED glass element and Nano Crystal coating showing its worth, but it is also probable that the lens outresolves the 6-megapixel APS-C sensor on the test body (a Nikon D50), so any decrease in sharpness is not as apparent.

Likewise, color and contrast are also consistently well rendered through the range of apertures. The only flaws in this gem are flaring and chromatic aberration, which shows up in high contrast scenes from maximum aperture (f/2.8) and is minimized by f/5.6. This is, however, typical of many large aperture lenses at maximum aperture.

Bokeh is one of the best traits of this lens, pretty much up there with some of the best Nikkor lenses, like the 85/1.4 AF-D. Out of focus areas are smooth, and the 9-bladed diaphragm helps to render out of focus point lights as circles rather than harsh geometric shapes.

My complete review, with sample photos and more detail on VR effect, AF and effective aperture, is on my webpage, check it out!

Will Jonson

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