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Tina Manley | all galleries >> Galleries >> Archival Film Scans > The Taj Mahal
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The Taj Mahal

Leica M8 ,35/1.4
1/60s f/1.4 iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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regi olbrechts25-Sep-2010 08:52
Interesting different view from that thing. It takes some of the mysterious (always commercial) glamour away and probably shows more the REAL life!
Well done Tina. (And I like your wee camera! ;-))
Guest 25-Sep-2010 01:54
Fantastic! V.
Peter Stubley25-Sep-2010 01:00
Great shot -- beautifully expressive image with a definite sense of story. Nicely done.
Guest 24-Sep-2010 21:57
Very well composed photo! with reality of today's life! well done V