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Fay Stout | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Recipe Box > "Chick'n" Strips with Arugula, Grape and Almond Salad with Curry Vinaigrette
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"Chick'n" Strips with Arugula, Grape and Almond Salad with Curry Vinaigrette

I've been trying different meat substitutes as I continue to eat a vegetarian diet.
These Chick'n Strips by Gardein (a product from Canada) can be found in the frozen department and cook up quickly and seem very adaptable to many recipes.

Just take the frozen strips and saute over medium-high heat in a little oil for about 5 minutes until crispy and browned.
I found that they are best if seasoned near the end of cooking with whatever your favorite spice might be as without it, they are very bland.
Set aside to cool if using in a salad.

I combined my favorite salad green, arugula, with green grapes, and sliced almonds.

To make the vinaigrette, shake in a jar:
3 Tbsp. extra-virgin OLIVE OIL
CURRY POWDER, to taste
SALT, to taste

Adjust the seasonings to your preference.

Arrange arugula, chick'n, grapes and sliced almonds on individual plates.

Drizzle the dressing over the salad and squeeze a bit of lime juice over as well.

Season with additional salt and pepper if desired.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/50s f/6.3 at 50.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
larose forest photos24-Jul-2014 01:05
Your food styling is always wonderful, as is your photography, and this sounds delicious. V
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